Kenneth G. Huang (黄光立) 

Dean's Chair Professor &
Associate Professor in Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Technology Management

Academic Director, Master of Science in Management of Technology and Innovation

National University of Singapore

kennethhuang[at] | LinkedIn | ORCiD | Google Scholar | CV (March 2024)


Prof. Kenneth G. Huang (Ph.D., MIT) is the Dean's Chair Professor and Associate Professor (with tenure) at the National University of Singapore (NUS) in the Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Management (ISEM), College of Design and Engineering, and Department of Strategy and Policy, NUS Business School. He is the Academic Director of the Master of Science (MSc.) in Management of Technology and Innovation at NUS. He also serves on the advisory board of the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). He is the Deputy Editor of Management and Organization Review and was an Associate Editor/editorial board member of Organization Science (for a special issue) and a Co-editor of Journal of Management Studies (for a special Issue). He also currently serves on the editorial boards of Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, Technological Forecasting and Social Change and until 2022, Journal of International Business Studies. His research focuses on innovation and technology management (e.g., AI, biotech, environment, IT); entrepreneurship; intellectual property management and strategy; digital and global strategy; science and technology policy; open science/ innovation; and institutional change particularly in emerging economies like China and ASEAN. His research is internationally influential and has been published in high-impact, leading journals such as Science, Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, Journal of Management, Journal of International Business Studies, Research Policy, Nature Biotechnology, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS), Industrial and Corporate Change, Journal of Management Studies, Management and Organization Review and Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings. His research has also been recognized by several international research and best paper awards from the Academy of Management (AOM), Strategic Management Society (SMS), DRUID, Academy of International Business (AIB) and INFORMS. His work and commentaries have been featured in Reuters, CNBC, Economist Intelligence Unit, Business Times, MIT Technology Review, Foreign Affairs, Voice of America, China Daily, Asian Scientist, Straits Times, Lianhe Zaobao, ThinkChina and Channel NewsAsia, among other media outlets.  

At NUS, he designs and teaches courses such as Intellectual Property Management and Innovation Strategy, Entrepreneurial Strategy, Technology Management Strategy, and Corporate Strategy for the graduate (e.g., MSc., EMBA, Ph.D.) and undergraduate programs. He also directs and teaches in several executive education programs focusing on senior (C-suite) executives. Before joining NUS, he was an Assistant Professor of Strategic Management (Innovation and Entrepreneurship) at Singapore Management University (SMU), Lee Kong Chian School of Business (LKCSB). He has also taught in the Sloan Fellows Program in Innovation and Global Leadership (MBA) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Sloan School of Management. For his outstanding contribution to education, teaching, course/program design and development, he is the recipient of several prestigious awards such as the university-wide NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Award 2023-2024 (winner) and as a nominee in 2018-2019 and 2016-2017, NUS College Educator Award 2022-2023 (winner), NUS Faculty Teaching Excellence Award 2019-2020 (winner), NUS Engineering Educator Award 2018-2019 (winner), Faculty Teaching Award Honors List 2016-2017 (winner), and SMU LKCSB Dean’s Teaching Honor List (top 20 faculty members) every year from 2009 to 2015. He earned his Ph.D. in Technology Management and Policy from MIT. He also holds M.S. degree in Technology and Policy from MIT, and B.S. degree in Biomedical Engineering and Electrical Engineering from the Johns Hopkins University.

Prof. Kenneth Huang is a sought-after keynote speaker for major international academic and industry conferences. He advises and works with firms, startups, financial organizations and government institutions on corporate and entrepreneurial strategy, technology and innovation management. They include IBM, Singtel, Panasonic, UOB, MasterCard, Charles River Labs, Helicos BioSciences, Keystone Strategy and IPOS, among others.


黄光立教授Prof. Kenneth G. Huang)Ph.D., MIT 是新加坡国立大学(NUS)的工业系统工程与管理系(ISEM)和国大商学院战略与政策系的院长讲座副教授(终身教授)。他是新国大技术与创新管理硕士项目MSc.的学术主任也是经济学人智库(EIU)的咨询委员。他是《组织管理研究》的副编辑,也曾担任《组织科学》(特刊)的副编辑/编辑委员和《管理研究期刊》(特刊)的共同责任编辑。他现在同时也是《管理学会期刊》、《战略管理杂志、《组织科学》、《技术预测与社会变革》(至2022 年)《国际商务研究期刊》的编辑委员。他的研究重点是创新与科技管理(人工智能、生物科技、环境、信息技术创业、知识产权管理与战略、数字及全球战略、科技政策、开放式创新/科学、中国和东盟(ASEAN)等新兴经济体的制度变迁。他的研究成果具有国际影响力,并发表在顶尖的国际期刊上,如《科学》、《管理学会期刊》、《战略管理杂志》《组织科学》、《管理学报》、《国际商务研究期刊》、《研究政策》、《自然生物科技》、《美国国家科学院院刊》、《工业与企业变革》、《管理研究期刊》、《组织管理研究和《管理学会最佳论文集》,且获得多项国际研究和最佳论文奖。他的著作和评论也被路透社、CNBC、经济学人智库、商业时报、麻省理工学院科技评论、外交事务、美国之音中国日报、亚洲科学家、海峡时报、联合早报、思想中国和亚洲新闻台(CNA)等媒体报道。

在新加坡国立大学任职期间,他负责设计与教授研究生课程(例如MSc.EMBA,Ph.D.)和本科课程以及高管教育课程,包括知识产权管理和创新战略、创业战略、科技管理战略、以及企业战略。他也是许多高管教育课程的项目/学术主任。他曾任新加坡管理大学(SMU)李光前商学院(LKCSB)的战略管理(创新和创业)助理教授,也曾在麻省理工学院(MIT)斯隆管理学院(Sloan)教授创新和全球领导力课程(MBA)。他对教育教学和课程设计及发展做出了杰出的贡献,并获NUS大学年度优秀教学奖(2023-2024)及数度获得这个奖项的提名(2018-2019及2016-2017),NUS学院教育家奖(2022-2023)NUS学院教学优异奖(2019-2020),NUS工学院教育家奖(2018-2019以及学院教学奖(2016-2017),也在SMU LKCSB任教期间每年获得院长教学荣誉奖(2009至2015年)。他拥有麻省理工学院科技管理和政策博士学位,科技和政策硕士学位,以及约翰斯·霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University)生物医学工程和电机工程学士学位。

黄光立教授是重要国际学术和行业会议上广受欢迎的主讲嘉宾。他为公司、初创企业、金融组织和政府机构提供企业和创业战略、技术和创新管理方面的建议并与他们合作。其中包括IBM、新加坡电信、松下电器、大华银行、万事达卡、查尔斯河实验室、Helicos 生物科学 Keystone 战略咨询公司,以及新加坡知识产权局等。


[1] Huang, K.G.*, M.X. Li, C.H. Shen and Y. Wang (2024). Escaping the Patent Trolls: The Impact of Non-Practicing Entity Litigation on Firm Innovation Strategies. Strategic Management Journal, Published online first. (Also see supporting/supplementary information and watch video abstract) (*Corresponding author) [JCR 2022 Impact Factor 8.3] 

[2] Huang, K.G.*, N. Jia and Y. Ge (2024). Forced to Innovate? Consequences of United States' Anti-Dumping Sanctions on Innovations of Chinese Exporters. Research Policy, Published online first. (*Corresponding author) [JCR 2022 Impact Factor 7.2]

[3] Miric, M., N. Jia and K.G. Huang (2023). Using Supervised Machine Learning for Large-scale Classification in Management Research: The Case for Identifying Artificial Intelligence Patents. Strategic Management Journal, 44(2): 491-519. (Also see supporting/supplementary information) [JCR 2022 Impact Factor 8.3]

[4] Wan, G., H. Wang, X. Geng and K.G. Huang (2023). Natural Disasters and Corporate Philanthropy: A Double Movement Perspective. Management and Organization Review, 19(1): 98-137. [JCR 2022 Impact Factor 2.9]

[5] Ang, Y.Y., N. Jia, B. Yang and K.G. Huang (2023). China's Low-Productivity Innovation Drive: Evidence from Patents. Comparative Political Studies, Published online first. (Also see supplemental material) [JCR 2022 Impact Factor 5.0]

[6] Jain, A. and K.G. Huang* (2022). Learning from the Past: How Prior Experience Impacts the Value of Innovation after Scientist Relocation. Journal of Management, 48(3): 571-604. (*Authors contributed equally) [JCR 2022 Impact Factor 13.5]

[7] Huang, K.G., C. Huang, H. Shen and H. Mao (2021). Assessing the Value of China's Patented Inventions. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 170: 120868. [JCR 2022 Impact Factor 12.0]

[8] Huang, K.G.* and J.T. Li (2019). Adopting Knowledge from Reverse Innovations? Transnational Patents and Signaling from an Emerging Economy. Journal of International Business Studies, 50(7): 1078-1102. (*Corresponding author) [JCR 2022 Impact Factor 11.6] 

[9] Chua, R.Y.J., K.G. Huang* and M. Jin (2019). Mapping Cultural Tightness and its Links to Innovation, Urbanization, and Happiness across 31 Provinces in China. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS), 116(14): 6720-6725. (*Corresponding author. Authorship listed alphabetically; authors contributed equally) [JCR 2022 Impact Factor 11.1]

[10] Jia, N., K.G. Huang* and C.M. Zhang (2019). Public Governance, Corporate Governance and Firm Innovation: An Examination of State-owned Enterprises. Academy of Management Journal, 62(1): 220-247. (*Corresponding author) [JCR 2022 Impact Factor 10.5] 

[11] Wright, M., V. Tartari, K.G. Huang, F. Di Lorenzo and J. Bercovitz* (2018). Knowledge Worker Mobility in Context: Pushing the Boundaries of Theory and Methods. Journal of Management Studies, 55(1): 1-26. (*Authorship listed in reverse alphabetical order; authors contributed equally) [JCR 2022 Impact Factor 10.5]

[12] Huang, K.G., X. Geng and H. Wang (2017). Institutional Regime Shift in Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation Strategies of Firms in China. Organization Science, 28(2): 355-377. [JCR 2022 Impact Factor 4.1]

[13] Huang, K.G. (2017). Uncertain Intellectual Property Conditions and Knowledge Appropriation Strategies: Evidence from the Genomics Industry. Industrial and Corporate Change, 26(1): 41-71. [JCR 2022 Impact Factor 2.5]

[14] Huang, K.G. and G. Ertug (2014). Mobility, Retention and Productivity of Genomics Scientists in the U.S. Nature Biotechnology, 32(9): 953-958. [JCR 2022 Impact Factor 46.9]

[15] Huang, K.G. (2010). China’s Innovation Landscape. Science, 329(5992): 632-633. (Also see Supporting Online Material) [JCR 2022 Impact Factor 56.9]

[16] Huang, K.G. and F.E. Murray (2010). Entrepreneurial Experiments in Science Policy: Analyzing the Human Genome Project. Research Policy, 39(5): 567-582. (Lead Article) [JCR 2022 Impact Factor 7.2]

[17] Huang, K.G. and F.E. Murray (2009). Does Patent Strategy Shape the Long-run Supply of Public Knowledge? Evidence from Human Genetics. Academy of Management Journal, 52(6): 1193-1221. [JCR 2022 Impact Factor 10.5]

[18] Gabel, D.J. and K.G. Huang* (2008). Promoting Innovation and the Deployment of Advanced Telecommunications Services to Businesses. Contemporary Economic Policy, 26(2): 229-247. (*Authorship listed alphabetically) [JCR 2022 Impact Factor 1.5] 

[19] Huang, K.G., M.-X. Li, C.H. Shen and Y. Wang (2022). Escaping the Patent Trolls: Impact of Non-Practicing Entity Litigation on Firm Innovation Strategies. In Sonia Taneja (Ed.), Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.

[20] Jain, A. and K.G. Huang* (2016). How Scientist Experience Shapes Coordination and Innovation Value after Relocation. In John Humphreys (Ed.), Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings. (*Authors contributed equally)

[21] Jia, N., K.G. Huang* and C.M. Zhang (2015). Agency Incentives and Firm Innovation: Patenting Behavior of State-owned Firms in China. In John Humphreys (Ed.), Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings. (*Corresponding author)

[22] Huang, K.G. (2009). Knowledge Production in Innovative Firms under Uncertain Intellectual Property Conditions. In George T. Solomon (Ed.), Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.

[23] Huang, K.G. and F.E. Murray (2008). Golden Helix or Tangled Web? How Gene Patent Landscape Impacts Knowledge Use and Follow-on Innovation. In George T. Solomon (Ed.), Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.


[24] Huang, K.G. (2012). Patenting and Innovation Strategies in China. Ivey Business Journal, July/August.

[25] Huang, K.G. (2022). Regional Innovative Intensity in an Emerging Economy: Analyzing China's Provincial Regions. In T. Daim, M. Dabic, Y.-S. Su (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Technology Management, Chapter 17, Pages 267-287, Routledge.  

[26] Geng, X and K.G. Huang* (2017). Informal Institutions and Geography of Innovation: An Integrative Perspective. In S.E. Little, F.M. Go, T.S. Poon (Eds.), Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Experiences from East and West, Chapter 4, Palgrave Macmillan. (*Authorship listed alphabetically)

[27] Racherla, U., Huang, K.G. and K.C. Liu (2016). Introduction: China and India as Contrast Pair in Innovation and IP. In K.C. Liu, U. Racherla (Eds.), Innovation and IPRs in China and India: Myths, Realities and Opportunities, Chapter 1, Pages 3-24, Springer.

[28] Huang, K.G. and F.E. Murray (2016). Does Patent Strategy Shape the Long-run Supply of Public Knowledge. In K.C. Liu, U. Racherla (Eds.), Innovation and IPRs in China and India: Myths, Realities and Opportunities, Chapter 4, Pages 75-117, Springer.

[29] Huang, K.G. (2011). The Conflicting Norms of Science in the Institutionalization of Scientific Knowledge. In T. Menkhoff, H. Evers, Y.W. Chay, E.F. Pang (Eds.), Beyond the Knowledge Trap: Developing Asia's Knowledge-based Economies, Chapter 6, Pages 165-179, World Scientific.


[1] Huang, K.G. (2021). Gojek, Southeast Asia's Next Potential Superapp, Makes a Bold Play in Singapore. Channel NewsAsia, December 13.

[2] Huang, K.G. (2020). Artificial Intelligence and Automation Would Actually Benefit Singapore. Channel NewsAsia, July 14.

[3] Huang, K.G. (2020). An Innovative China Has Overtaken the U.S. in Patent Numbers? ThinkChina & Lianhe Zaobao, April 6.

[4] Huang, K.G. (2012). Knowledge as a Driver of Growth and Development in Asia. (A review of the book and my article in "Beyond the Knowledge Trap: Developing Asia's Knowledge-based Economies.") Knowledge@SMU, April 22.

[5] Huang, K.G. (2010). Both Benefits and Drawbacks in the Filing of Patents. Business Times, July 21.

[6] Huang, K.G. (2008). Gene Patenting in the Life Sciences Industry: Boon or Bane? The Economist Intelligence Unit (The Economist) (in their Executive Briefing Series published in partnership with Harvard Business School Publishing), May 6.