Katrine V. Løken
1. Personal Details
Date of Birth: 26.05.1983
Nationality: Norwegian
Home Address: Sandvikslien 21, 5037 Bergen
Cellular phone: +47 41661591
Academic address: Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics, Helleveien 30, 5045 Bergen, Norway
E-mail: katrine.loken@nhh.no
NEWS: Joint Managing Editor at Review of Economic Studies from August 2021
2. Publications /work in progress
(1) Dahl, G and K.V.Løken (2024): Families, Public Policies, and the Labor Market, Handbook of Labor Economics Volume 5, forthcoming
(2) Bhuller, M. L. Khoury and K.V. Løken (2024): Mental Health Consequences of Correctional Sentencing, [NHH DP 19, November 2021] American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, forthcoming
(3) Bhuller, M., Dahl, G., Løken, K.V. and Mogstad, M. (2023): Domestic Violence Reports and the Mental Health and Well-being of Victims and Their Children, [NHH DP 21, December 2022] , Journal of Human Resources, forthcoming
(4) Bütikofer, B., Ginja, R., Landaud, F., and K. V. Løken (2023): Higher-achievement Schools, Peers and Mental Health, [WP October 2020] Economic Journal, 133, 655, 2580–2613
(5) Bütikofer, B., K. V. Løken and A. Willen (2022): Building Bridges and Widening Gaps: Efficiency Gains and Equity Concerns of Labor Market Expansions, [NHH DP 19, October 2019] Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming
(6) Bharadwaj, P. , M. Bhuller, K.V.Løken and M. Wentzel (2021): Surviving a mass shooting, Journal of Public Economics, Volume 201 [NBER WP April 2021]
(7) Bhuller, M., G. Dahl, K.V. Løken and M.Mogstad (2020): Incarceration, Recidivism and Employment Journal of Political Economy, vol 126(4), 1269-1324
(8) Bütikofer, A., K.V. Løken and K. Salvanes (2019): Infant Health Care and Long-Term Outcomes. Review of Economics and Statistics, vol. 101(2), pages 341-354
(9) Løken, K.V., K.E. Lommerud and K. Reiso (2018): Single Mothers and their Children: Evaluating a Work-encouraging Welfare Reform Journal of Public Economics, 167, 1-20
(10) Bhuller, M., G. Dahl, K.V. Løken and M. Mogstad (2018): Intergenerational Effects of Incarceration. AEA Papers and Proceedings, 108, 234-240
(11) Løken, K. V., S. Lundberg and J.Riise (2017): Lifting the Burden: Public Care of the Elderly and the Location and Labor Supply of Adult Children, Journal of Human Resources, 52, 247-271
(12) Dahl, G., K.V. Løken, M. Mogstad and K. Salvanes (2016): What Is the Case for Paid Maternity Leave? Review of Economics and Statistics, 98, 655–670
(13) Johnsen, J. and K. V. Løken (2015): Nordic Family Policy and Maternal Employment, Nordic Economic Policy Review, 2, 115-131
(14) Carneiro, P., K. V. Løken and K. Salvanes (2015): A Flying Start? Maternity Leave and Long Run Outcomes of Children. Journal of Political Economy, 123, 365-412
Comment to our paper 2024. Our Reply.
(15) Dahl, G., K. V. Løken and M. Mogstad (2014): Peer Effects in Program Participation. American Economic Review, 104, 2049–2074
(16) Bharadwaj, P. J. Johnsen and K. V. Løken (2014): Smoking Bans, Maternal Smoking and Birth Outcomes.. Journal of Public Economics, 115, 72-93
(17) Black, S., P. Devereux, K. V. Løken and K. Salvanes (2014): Care or Cash? The Effect of Child Care Subsidies on Student Performance. Review of Economics and Statistics, 96, 5, 84-837
(18) Løken, K. V. (2014): Giving Kids a Fair Chance by J. J. Heckman, Book Review. Journal of Economic Literature, 52, 217-218
(19) Bharadwaj, P., K. V. Løken, and C. Neilson (2013): Early Life Health Interventions and Academic Achievement. Online appendix. American Economic Review, 103, 1862-91
(20) Løken, K. V., K. E. Lommerud, S. Lundberg (2013): Your Place or Mine? On the Residence Choice of Young Couples in Norway. Demography, 50, 285-310
(21) Løken, K. V., M. Mogstad and M. Wiswall (2012): What Linear Estimators Miss: The Effect of Family Income on Child Outcomes. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 4, 1-35
(22) Løken, K. V. (2010): Family income and children’s education: Using the Norwegian oil boom as a natural experiment. Labour Economics, 17, 118-129.
Working papers:
Incarceration Spillovers in Criminal and Family Networks (joint work with Manudeep Bhuller, Gordon Dahl and Magne Mogstad), [WP August 2018]
The Effect of Labor Market Competition on Firms, Workers, and Communities (joint with Sam Dodini and Alexander Willen). [NHH DP November 2022] , reject and resubmit at American Economic Review
Sources of Generational Persistence in Education and Income (joint work with Sara Abrahamsson, Aline Bütikofer, and Marianne Page)
In Norwegian
Langsiktige konsekvenser for familier. Samfunnsøkonomen 2/2020, temanummer:koronakrisen (with Kjell Salvanes)
Sysselsetting i Norge: begrensninger og muligheter, Rapport avgitt til NHO i anledning NHOs årskonferanse 2018, 1-35, November 2017 (with Manudeep Bhuller). [Published version]
Cathrine Holst i samtale med Eirik Holmøyvik og Katrine Løken: Den nye vinen. Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift, 2, 2015
Ved veis ende: Har familiepolitikken spilt fallitt som likestillingsverktøy? (med Julian Johnsen) Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift, 1, 2013
Politikkimplikasjoner fra litteraturen om familieinntekt og effekter på barns utdanning. Søkelys på Arbeidslivet, 1-2, 2011
Google sites:
Policy Briefs
Incarceration can be Rehabilitative, in VoxEU. (with Manudeep Bhuller, Gordon B. Dahl & Magne Mogstad) [Published version]
Policies to Reintegrate Former Inmates Into the Labor Force, in Expanding Economic Opportunities for More Americans. Bipartisan Policies to Increase Work, Wages, and Skills. (edited by Melissa S. Kearney and Amy Ganz), The Aspen Institute - Economic Strategy Group, February 2019 (with Gordon B. Dahl & Katrine V. Løken). [Published version]
Incarceration, Recidivism, and Employment, Research Briefs in Economic Policy No. 85, Cato Institute, September 2017 (with Gordon B. Dahl, Katrine V. Løken & Magne Mogstad). [Published version]
3. Projects
2018-2023 Criminality, Victimization and Social Interactions. Principal Investigator. ERC Starting Grant.
2015-2018 Social Costs of Incarceration. Principal Investigator. Funded by the Norwegian Research Council
4. Degrees
2010 PhD, University of Bergen
2006 Master’s degree, University of Bergen
2004 Bachelor’s degree, University of Bergen
5. Academic positions and other positions
2017- Full Professor, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics
2017- Professor II, Department of Economics, University of Bergen
2014-2017 Full Professor, Department of Economics, University of Bergen
2013-2014 Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of Bergen
2010-2013 Post doc, Department of Economics, University of Bergen
2006-2010 PhD Research Fellow, Department of Economics, University of Bergen
Other positions
2021- Managing Editor, Review of Economic Studies
2014- Op-ed columnist Dagens Næringsliv (8 week intervals)
2013- Associate Editor, Review of Economic Studies
2013- Associate Editor, Scandinavian Journal of Economics
2012- Research Fellow, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Bonn
2010- Researcher, Statistics Norway
2019-2020 Co-Editor, Journal of Human Resources
2014-2019 Associate Editor, Journal of Human Resources
2011-2014 Op-ed columnist Bergens Tiende (6 week intervals)
5. Research stay
2019-2020 Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, UC San Diego.
2011-2012 Visiting Scholar, Department of Economics, UC San Diego.
2007-2008 Visiting student, Department of Economics, University College London.
6. Presentations
2022- 2023 (Post Covid)
Invited seminar, Mannheim, May 2022; Midway Conference FAIR, Tromsø, June 2022; Organizer/Speaker Flash Talk Session on Economics of Crime, Padua, 2022; Invited Seminar, Oxford, Oct. 2022; Invited seminar Copenhagen, Nov. 2022; Invited seminar, Dusseldorf, Nov. 2022; Keynote Lecture, ASSLE, Tokyo, Dec. 2022; Invited seminar, SOFI, Stockholm U. March 2023; Invited seminar, University of Columbia, April 2023; Online seminar, LSE, May 2023; Invited seminar, Dusseldorf, May 2023; Keynote IWAEE, Italy, June 2023; Invited seminar, Arhus U., Sep. 2023; Conference on Handbook Chapter in Labor Economics, Berlin, Oct 2023; Invited Seminar, U. of Munich, Nov 2023; CEPR Conference, Paris, Dec. 2023
2020-2021 (Covid period)
Planned seminars cancelled: Invited seminar, Columbia, April 2020; Invited seminar, Simon Fraser, March 2020; Invited seminar, UCSD, May 2020; Invited seminar UC Davis, May 2020;
Virtual seminars: Stanford, Invited seminar, June 2021; Essen Health Conference, Keynote, June 2021; Transatlantic Workshop Economics of Crime, Keynote, Oct. 2021; Paris School of Economics, Invited seminar, Oct. 2021; University of Munich, Invited seminar, Nov. 2021; University of Bocconi, Invited seminar, Nov. 2021;
2017-2020 (Full Professor)
Invited seminar, IFAU, Uppsala, Feb. 2017; Invited seminar, University of Southern Denmark, March 2017; Invited seminar, CREST, Paris, March 2017; Invited seminar, University Pompeu Fabra, April 2017; Workshop Oslo, August 2017; Workshop York, Sep. 2017; Keynote at Education Workshop in Uppsala, Oct. 2017; Invited seminar IFAU, Uppsala, Oct. 2017; Invited seminar, IFN, Stockholm, Nov. 2017; Invited seminar, UCL, feb. 2018; Invited seminar, IFS, London, march 2018; Invited seminar, CEU, march 2018; CEPR workshop, Paris, sep 2018; Invited seminar, University of Bologna, March 2019; Invited seminar, University of Lausanne, March 2019; Invited seminar, Harris School of Public Policy, Chicago, Nov 2019; Invited seminar, MIT, March 2020;Invited seminar, Brown, March 2020
2014-2016 (Associate Professor/Full Professor)
Invited seminar, Helsinki, Jan. 2014; Invited seminar, Uppsala, Feb. 2014; Invited seminar, Praha, March 2014; Invited seminar, Oslo, March 2014; Workshop, Montreal, April 2014; Invited seminar, Maastricth, April 2014; Sandmo Junior Lecture, NHH, April 2014; Workshop, Bergen, June 2014; Workshop, Helsinki, June 2014; Invited seminar, RESTUD Board meeting, Leuven, Se 2014; Invited seminar, Department of Economics, Mannheim, Sep 2014; Invited seminar, Department of Economics, Humboldt University Berlin, Oct 2014; Workshop, London, May 2015; Invited session, EEA, Mannheim, Aug 2015; Invited seminar, IIES, Stockholm, Oct 2015; Invited seminar, SOFI, Stockholm, Oct. 2015; Stavanger-Bergen workshop in Berkeley, Dec. 2015; Invited seminar, University of Zürich, Feb. 2016; Invited seminar, University of York, Feb. 2016; Invited seminar, BI, Oslo, March 2016; Invited seminar, Autonoma, Barcelona, April 2016; Invited seminar, Bocconi, April 2016; Invited Warwick workshop Venice, May 2016; Invited seminar, LSE, June 2016; Invited seminar, Gothenburg, Nov 2016; Invited workshop on family economics, Oslo, Nov 2016
2011-2013 (Postdoc-period)
Agnar Sandmo Conference, NHH, Jan 2011; Invited seminar at Statistics Norway, March, 2011; Invited seminar at Frisch, Oslo, March, 2011; Internal seminar, NHH, April 2011; SOLE in Vancouver, April, 2011; Workshop in Stockholm, May 2011; CESifo area conference, May, 2011; Nordic Summer Symposium in Labour Economics in Faroe Island, June 2011; Invited seminar, UC San Diego, Oct. 2011; Invited seminar, University of Austin, Texas, Oct. 2011; Invited seminar, UC Irvine, Nov. 2011; Invited seminar, UC Santa Barbara, Dec. 2011; SOLE in Chicago, May 2012; Invited seminar, UC Davis, May 2012; Workshop in Bergen, June 2012; Invited seminar, Aarhus University, Sep. 2012; Internal seminar, University of Bergen, Sep. 2012; Invited seminar, Lund University, Nov. 2012; Invited seminar, University College Dublin, Nov 2012; Workshop, Honningsvåg, Aug 2013; miniworkshop with Heckman, Oslo, Des. 2013; Invited seminar, Tinburgen Amsterdam, Dec. 2013
2006-2010 (PhD-period)
Internal seminar, Department of Economics, 2006; CEPR-conference in Bergen, May 2007; ESPE in Chicago, June 2007; EEA in Budapest, Aug. 2007; EALE in Oslo, Sep. 2007; Seminar at UiB, Dec. 2007; Seminar at UCL, May 2008; Workshop in Stavanger, June 2008; Workshop in Moss, Aug. 2008; EEA in Milan, Aug. 2008; IZA ESSLE at Ammersee, Oct. 2008; Workshop in Uppsala, March 2009; Workshop in Ann Arbour on “The Geography of the Family”, May 2009; SOLE in Boston, May 2009; Nordic Summer Symposium in Labour Economics in Bergen, June 2009; Internal seminar, University of Bergen, 2009; Nordic Workshop in Bornholm, May 2010; CEPR Workshop in Bergen, June 2010; Workshop in Stavanger, June 2010; EALE/SOLE in London, June 2010; Workshop on Family and Taxation in Munich, July 2010; Invited seminar, IFAU, Uppsala, September 2010; Invited seminar at ESOP, Oslo, Nov 2010
7. Teaching
2017 Econometrics (ECON341), Master’s level
2014/2016 Econometrics (ECON340), Master’s level
2010/2012 Microeconomics (ECON210), Bachelor’s level
2006-2009 Classes in Microeconomics (ECON310), Macroeconomics (ECON330), Econometrics (ECON340 and ECON341), Master’s level
2004-2006 Classes in Mathematics and Macroeconomics, Bachelor level
Research-related supervisory activities:
PhD students (primary supervisor)
University of Bergen: S. Abrahamsen (feb 2019, first job: Norwegian Competition Authority), L.Andersland (jan 2018), Anne Lise Breivik (april 2020, first job: Norwegian Tax Authority).
Norwegian School of Economics: Mirjam Wetzel (dec 2021, first job: ISF); Alessandro Pizzigolotto (aug 2023, first job: postdoc, UCopenhagen); Mascha Fauth (in progress); Andrea Bocchino (in progress)
PhD students (secondary supervisor)
University of Bergen: J. Johnsen (2015, first job: postdoc, UiB)
8. Refereeing
American Economic Review, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, American Economic Journal: Policy, Demography, Economic Journal, European Economic Review, Industrial Relations, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Human Resources, Journal of Labor Economics, Journal of Political Economics, Journal of Public Economics, Labour Economics, Review of Economics and Statistics, Review of Economic Studies, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Quartely Journal of Economics
6 months: Oskar (born 26.2.2013), Sara (born 20.12.2014), Alfred (born 08.1.2021)