Welcome to my personal website!
Currently Assistant Professor at National Institute of Applied Sciences, Lyon INSA within the Probability, Statistics, Physics, Mathematics (PSPM) team of the Institut Camille Jordan laboratory ICJ , I defended my Ph.D under the supervision of Professor Christian Robert at Université Paris-Dauphine on March 15, 2016. Please see my CV for my complete career path.
My research interests include :
Bayesian analysis (model selection and prior modeling)
Mixture distributions, Generalized linear regression models and Gaussian process
Computational statistics and MCMC methods
Machine learning
Bayesian PCA and automatically dimension reduction
Neural Networks
Applications and interdisciplinary projects :
Health and well-being : oncology
Environment : flood risk, plant growth model
Projects :
I'm participating in the following interdisciplinary projetcs :
RadioPrediTool : Mathematical and computational modeling approaches to set up a personalized prediction tool of late iatrogenic effects of radiotherapy using voxel-scale dose distribution: Application to pediatric cancers ProjectInserm
ModLSys : A multi-scale modeling framework for living systems ProjectANR
My other scientific activities :
Member of MIMS consortium
I've recently joined the group Bayesian Statistics of the SFdS : BS_SFdS
I'm a member of the Fédération de Mathématiques of CentraleSupélec FD .
Contact information:
133A, Bâtiment Léonard De Vinci INSA de Lyon
21 Av. Jean Capelle O
69100 Villeurbanne