
 Welcome and Thanks for visiting my page.

Note: This website is outdated *-contains-* stuff I did before Aug, 2013.

My new site: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~arunkaly

My name is Arun Kalyanasunasundaram, I am PhD student (since Fall 2013) in  Computation, Organizations and Society in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh.  I am extremely fortunate to be advised by Prof. James D Herbsleb.

My research interests include collaboration in software development, modeling and simulation of multi-agent systems, crowdsourcing,  game theory, software reliability / security, fault tolerant distributed systems.

My goal is to conduct research on problems that have a high impact on the society and business. Today's  research problems are quite inter-related and generally cuts across different disciplines. I therefore believe a holistic interdisciplinary approach be adopted to modern day research, where computer scientists can seek solutions from various disciplines like economics, sociology and psychology.

I love to code and debug software programs, in my spare time I like to hit the gym, play tabla, watch sitcoms ("Friends" and "South Park" are my favorites), watch documentaries ("Download: The True Story of the Internet""Bigger Stronger Faster" and "Tetris: From Russia with Love" are some of my favorites), listen to music - Ilayaraja and AR Rahman.

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