We have open Postdoc and PhD position in our research group. please contact Dr. Yu: kai.2.yu@ucdenver.edu

Our research focuses on the mechanical and physical behavior of contemporary active polymers that are important to the nation, such as the reprocessible and recyclable plastics, liquid crystal elastomers, and shape-changing polymers. We are interested in understanding and modeling the evolution of material structure and mechanical properties under various environmental stimuli and processing conditions using an integrated experimental-theoretical-computational approach. Our work aims to facilitate applications of these materials into advanced manufacturing technologies (e.g., 3D and 4D printing, chemical recycling).

Our research is dynamic with our roots in the mechanics and physics of polymers. Many of our previous projects were completed in collaboration with researchers in other disciplines, such as chemical engineering and materials science. We always look for talented people to join our group and work together!

We extremely appreciate all sponsors that have supported our research: