
Kimberly Allison:

 Tech Empowerment



My Philosophy 

Goals First, Technology Second

Successful technology integration--in your life, work, and classroom--must begin with clearly identifying your needs and goals, and only then selecting the digital tool, device, or application that will best fit the particular need or goal. Without a clear goal in mind, no matter how cool the newest gadget or app is, successful integration is compromised.  

Empowerment for Digital Novices

For some of us, fear, constant change, and the sheer number of new gadgets and tools showing up every day can make technology overwhelming and intimidating.  Fortunately, becoming a more savvy user of your laptop, smart phone or tablet isn't about "catching up" with technology. My approach helps those who are anxious or frustrated with technology address their fears and past experiences to create new mental models that allow them to welcome and embrace technology in ways that are authentic and unique to each individual.


Technology Empowerment

Length: Full Day

Target Audience: Novice and Reluctant Users of Technology

Description: This class focuses on helping timid and novice technology users gain confidence.  Participants will not be overwhelmed with fast-paced tech tips and tricks.  Instead, in a supportive environment you’ll develop an understanding of basic technology principles AND learn practices and habits that can increase your efficiency and comfort with tech tools and the digital environment. After identifying the roadblocks that prevent users from embracing technology and taking advantage of its benefits, we’ll explore strategies for removing them. Participants will leave with a manageable number of essential skills and a new sense of empowerment! Ample time in the afternoon will allow you to practice your new skills while we circulate and provide individual support.

Google Apps 101

Length: 3-6 hours

Target Audience: New users of Google Apps (Docs, Presentations, Spreadsheets, Forms, and Sites)

Description: This class offers an introduction to Google Apps including creating, sharing, and maneuvering within the Google Apps environment. Practical applications will be showcased and discussed. The longer the training, the more time participants will have to apply, practice, and implement their learning.

Getting Started with Google Apps in Your Classroom

Length: 3-6 hours

Target Audience: Teachers who are already familiar with Google Docs and Sites and are interested in practical strategies for use in the classroom.

Description: Google Apps themselves are easy to use, but designing successful assignments, projects, and lessons using collaborative documents and websites offers some new challenges. This workshop will aim to help teachers understand the ins and outs and best practices for using Google  Apps with students. The longer the training, the more time participants will have to apply, practice, and implement their learning.

Putting It All Together: Leveraging Google Apps in Your Classroom for Easy Collaboration, Online Assignments, and Quizzes

Length: 6 hours

Target Audience: Teachers who are already familiar with Google Docs and Sites and are interested in combining them to create online learning opportunities for their students. A great class for those interested in flipping their classroom.

Description: Learn how to combine the power of Google Docs, Forms and Sites to create online assignments, assessments and Common Core-like performance tasks. 

Leveraging Google Forms for Learning and Productivity

Length: 6 hours

Target Audience: This class is geared toward the novice and beginning Google From user. Teachers and other school personnel are welcome!

Description: This class is really three (3!) classes in one. Forms 101 will ensue you know the basics of creating and sharing Goggle Forms. (In my humble opinion, Forms are probably the most useful of all the Google tools, and, what’s wonderful is that you can use them even if your students don’t have Google accounts.) Forms 102 will take us beyond the basics and give you plenty of ideas for how you might use them in your classroom. Then, Advanced Forms (which is where you’ll get your PhD in Google Forms) will show you how to combine forms with other Google apps AND use script to make Forms even more powerful in your classroom AND help you with some of the grunt work (who wouldn’t like a quiz that grades itself and then sends the scores out to your students?)







Maple Valley 


Contact Me




Background & Experience

Technology Integration Specialist

Tahoma School District


National Board Certified Teacher

Adolescent/Young Adult Language Arts


Language Arts Teacher

Tahoma High School
