Junichi Yamanoi, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Faculty of Commerce, Waseda University

Office 1209 Building 11, 1-6-1 Nishiwaseda

Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 1698050 JAPAN



Shimizu, T., Nagayama, S., & Yamanoi, J. Forthcoming. Attentional uniqueness and firm performance: The mediating role of growth actions. Journal of Management Studies.

Kito, T., Murata, Y., Yamanoi, J., & Madhavan, R. Forthcoming. Inter-firm patent litigation networks: A study of network motif analysis. Frontiers in Physics.

Iguchi, H., Katayama, H. & Yamanoi, J. 2022. CEOs’ religiosity and corporate green initiatives. Small Business Economics. 58: 497-522.

Kito, T., Moriya, N. & Yamanoi, J. 2021. Inter-organisational patent opposition network: How companies form adversarial relationships. Japanese Economic Review. 72: 145-166. 

Koo, J., Yamanoi, J. & Sakano, T. 2020. Acquisition announcements and stock market valuations of acquiring firms' alliance partners: A transaction cost perspective. Journal of Business Research. 118: 129-140.

Yamanoi, J. & Asaba, S. 2018. The impact of family ownership on establishment and ownership modes in foreign direct investment: The moderating role of corruption in host countries. Global Strategy Journal. 8(1): 106-135.

Tsang, E. W. K. & Yamanoi, J. 2016. International expansion through start-up or acquisition: A replication. Strategic Management Journal. 37(11): 2291-2306.

Yamanoi, J. & Cao, Q. 2014. Competition and termination of the alliances between asymmetric partners: The case of Japanese department stores. Asia Pacific Journal of Management. 31(4): 949-971.

Yamanoi, J. & Sayama, H. 2013. Post-merger cultural integration from a social network perspective: A computational modeling approach. Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory. 19(4): 516-537.

Sayama, H., Pestov, I., Schmidt, J., Bush, B., Wong, C., Yamanoi, J., and Gross, T. 2013. Modeling complex systems with adaptive networks. Computers & Mathematics with Applications. 65(10): 1645-1664.


Aoki, H., Su, W., Yamanoi, J., & Tsang, E. W. K. 2017. Corporate misconduct in Japan: A conflict of corporate governance logics. Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings.