Julien Senn


Behavioral and Experimental Economics

Political Economy

Ogranizational/Labor Economics


University of Zurich

Department of Economics

Blümlisalpstrasse 10, office 212

CH-8006 Zurich

Phone  : +41 (0)44 634 37 63

E-mail : julien.senn [at] econ.uzh.ch

 [Google Scholar[Twitter]  [LinkedIn]

I am a Senior Research Associate at the Department of Economics at the University of Zurich.  

I am an applied microeconomist, with interests in behavioral economics, political economy, public economics, and labor economics.  My most recent work sheds lights on the determinants of redistributive preferences, on the effects of institutions on norm enforcement and cooperation, and on the effects of social comparisons on productivity and stress.  

I study these topics using state-of-the-art experimental methods, large-scale surveys with nationally representative samples, and administrative or historical data.

For Bachelor and Master students writing a thesis with me, please read these guidelines

Publications and completed working papers

with Thomas Epper and Ernst Fehr

Accepted at Review of Economics and Statistics

with Clara Colombatto, Jim Everett, Michel Maréchal and Molly Crockett 

Psychological Science, 2023

with Everett, J.A.C., Colombatto, Maréchal, M.A., Crockett, M.J., et al.

Nature Human Behavior, 2021

with Ernst Fehr

forthcoming in One Hundred Years of Game Theory, Cambridge University Press

with Jan Schmitz and Christian Zehnder

Revise and Resubmit @ Journal of the European Economic Association

with Thomas Epper, Ernst Fehr and Aljosha Henkel  

Revise and Resubmit @ Journal of Public Economics

with Lorenz Goette

Revise and Resubmit @ Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization

with Thomas Epper and Ernst Fehr  

with Thomas Epper and Ernst Fehr

with Justin Buffat 

Selected work in progress

with Krishna Srinivasan

with Juha Tolvanen and Stephanos Vlachos

with Andreas Beerli, Lorenz Biberstein, Martin Killias, Michel Maréchal and Nora Markwalder

with Thomas Epper, Ernst Fehr and Aljosha Henkel

with Thomas Epper and Ernst Fehr

Resting papers

Myopic loss aversion, the endowment effect for risk and the limits of expectation-based reference-dependent preferences (2015)

Testing the Speed of Adjustment of the Reference Point in Models of Expectation-Based Reference Points (2015)

with Justin Buffat