José Tessada's homepage

 Welcome to my webpage. I am the Head of the School and an associate professor at the Business School of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Here, you can find information about my research and teaching.

Escuela de Administración (Business School)
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Phone: (56-2) 2354-4002
Email: jtessada [at] icloud [dot] com

Curriculum Vita


Please email me for access to pre-publication copies.

Published and forthcoming

Working Papers

Book Chapters

Other publications


Email me if you want access to teaching materials (including older ones).

Aplicaciones Matemáticas para Administración y Economía (Mathematical Methods for Management and Economics - undergraduate)

Dirección Financiera II (Investments & Corporate Finance - MBA)

Finanzas Internacionales (International Financial Management - MBA & undergraduate)

Finanzas I (Investments - undergraduate)

Estudio Empíricos en Finanzas (Empirical Methods in Finance)

Updated: September 1, 2024