Navigating Our Websites

Please use these videos to help you navigate the sites that we use in class. If there's a site you need help with and you don't see it here, please email Ms. Joyner at

NOTE: Remember that students will log into Google Classroom by going in through the Wake ID Portal using their Wake ID and password.

Here are a few basic instructions about how to navigate Google Classroom from a laptop or desktop:

    1. Visit our classroom website:

    2. Click “For Jewels.”

    3. Click “Google” icon.

    4. Students will log in using this information:

      1. From the drop down box, select “Student”

      2. Enter Wake ID

      3. Enter password (lunch number)

  1. Select "Google Classroom"

  2. Select "Social Studies 17-18" group.

  3. Select assignment.

  4. Select the assignment box (top left-hand side) if assignment isn't visible at the top of the stream.

  5. Follow directions for the assignment.

  6. Select "Turn In" if you created a document for the assignment.

  7. Select "Mark as Done" if you completed a Google form for the assignment.

The navigation of Google Classroom from a tablet or phone is a little different and I’ll be glad to help with that as well. Please feel free to contact me if you need help or have any questions at

~Ms. Joyner

Page updated 10/2/17