Josh Ederington

Professor of Economics

Miami University

I'm a professor of economics at Miami University.   My research is primarily in the field of international trade.

Michele Ruta and I have written a chapter on Non-tariff Measures for the Handbook of Commercial Policy.  Read it!

From 2018-2021 I was Director of Graduate Studies for the PhD Program in Economics at the University of Kentucky.  Now I am supervising theses for the MA program in Economics at Miami University.  Apply to them!

From 2012-2016 I was co-editor at the Canadian Journal of Economics.  Submit to them!

 In 2012 I was on sabbatical in Belguim on a Fulbright grant to do research on international environmental agreements at KU Leuven through the Fulbright-Schuman Program on European Affairs.  Go there!

I have students:  Yoonseon Han, Sookti Chaudhary, Hao Guo, Kevin Allen, Mihai Paraschiv, Derrick Jenniges, Rishav Bista, Emma Bojinova.  Hire them!