About Me

Recent Books:

Space, Time, and Crime

GIS and Spatial Analysis for the Social Sciences

The Spirit Level

Sites of Interest:




  • PhD - University of Arizona (2010)

  • MUP - CUNY-Hunter College (2000)

  • BA - UC Irvine (1997)

  • N/A - University of Oregon (‘92-’94)

Research Areas:

  • Community development, Social Capital, Social Networks, New Urbanism, Inequality


  • Urban Sociology, Urban Crime Patterns, Social Networks, Research Methods, Statistics, Introduction to Sociology, Environmental Sociology, World Population


  • Assistant Professor, University of La Verne (2014-present)

  • Assistant Professor, Marywood University (2011-2014)

  • Licensed General Contractor & Green Builder, LI#901367 San Diego, CA (2006-2011)

  • Adjunct Faculty, Pima Community College (2002-2004)

  • Graduate T.A., University of Arizona (2000-2005)

  • Yoga Instructor (NY & AZ) (1999 & 2002)


Tennis, Yoga, Furniture Building, Traveling, Disc Golf, Hiking.

Me in Brief:

1973 (Born, Stanford Hospital, CA)

1992 (Graduated Gunn H.S., Palo Alto, CA)

1992 (Started college @ U. of Oregon)

1994 (Transferred to UC Irvine)

1994 (Played Tennis for UC Irvine)

1994 (Resident Advisor, UC Irvine)

1997 (Graduated UC Irvine, BA Social Ecology)

1998 (Lived in Madrid, Spain for six months.)

2000 (MUP Urban Planning, CUNY-Hunter College)

2000 (Yoga Teaching Certificate, IYI in NYC)

2001 (Ultimate Frisbee Team, U of Arizona)

2002 (MA in Sociology, U. of Arizona)

2002 (Married, Rosaria K. Cabrera)

2006 (Daughter #1, Satya, born, Menlo Park, CA)

2007 (General Contractor's License, San Diego, CA)

2008 (Green Builder Certified)

2010 (Ph.D. in Sociology, U. of Arizona)

2010 (Became dual U.S. / Spanish citizen)

2011 (Assistant Professor, Marywood University)

2011 (Daughter #2, Amaya, born. Scranton, PA)

2014 (Assistant Professor, University of La Verne)