Joseph Bjelde (né Barnes)

οὐκ εἰδὼς τὴν ὁδὸν τὴν εἰς Λάρισαν

photo credit: Róisín Thérèse

Friedrichstr. 191 

Raum 4039

10115 Berlin

Tel: +49.30.2093.98079



How times change


Argumentation in Classical Antiquity

Topics 8


on Ancient

Knowledge is Teachable  (Mind (2021) 130(518): 475-502)

Xenophon's Socrates on Wisdom & Action (Classical Quarterly (2021) 71(2): 560-574)

Essays on Argumentation in Antiquity (reviewed in History and Philosophy of Logic)

Endoxa and Epistemology in Aristotle's Topics (please email me for the preprint)

The Stability of Knowledge (Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie (online first 2022))

Theoria in Laws 12 (forthcoming)

One over what many? (forthcoming)

on Epistemic Value

All Swamping, No Problem (Analysis (2020) 80(2): 205-11)

Anything but the truth (Synthese (2021) 199:535–549)

Dissertation & its abstract 

Work in Progress

Meno Problems

Phronesis is for Rulers

The puzzle of Topics 8.3 & the task of 8.5 

photo credit: Máté Veres

talk at UMD, photo credit: Máté Veres