
Selected publications: submitted

Opsomer, J.D. and M.K. Riddles (2024). “sCHAID: a tool for constructing nonresponse adjustment cells under a design-based framework.” Submitted to Survey Methodology.

Selected publications: in print

Liu, T., F.J. Breidt and J.D. Opsomer (2024). “A small area estimation approach for reconciling differences in two surveys of recreational fishing effort.” To appear in Survey Methodology.

Price, S.M., R. Ferg, E.W. Eisenhauer, M.C. Chansky, J.D. Opsomer (2024). "Effectiveness of Community-Engaged Research Strategies in Increasing COVID-19 Vaccinations in Targeted Communities: The Community Engagement Alliance (CEAL) Regional Teams." American Journal of Public Health, 114, S124-S127 (DOI: 10.2105/AJPH.2023.307517). 

Wei, S.C., D. Freeman, A. Himschoot, K.E.N. Clarke, M.E. Van Dyke, J. Adjemian, F.B. Ahmad, T.J. Benoit, K. Berney, A.V. Gundlapalli, A.J. Hall, F. Havers, S.J. Henley, C. Hilton, D. Johns, J.D. Opsomer, H.T. Pham, M.J. Stuckey, C.A. Taylor, J.M. Jones (2024). “Who Gets Sick from COVID-19 Infection? Sociodemographic Correlates of Severe Adult Health Outcomes During Alpha- and Delta-Variant Predominant Periods, September 2020–November 2021.” Journal of Infectious Diseases., 229: 122-132 (DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiad357).

Jones, J.M., M. Stone, E. Grebe, P. Saa, C. Di Germanio, I. Molina Manrique, M. Lanteri, S. Stramer, J.D. Opsomer, M.P. Busch (2023). "Monitoring Incidence and Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 Infections by Vaccine Status Using the US Nationwide Blood Donor Cohort." Transfusion, 63, 33A-34A (DOI: 10.1111/trf.30_17554).

Opsomer, J.D., S. Dohrmann, R. DiGaetano, A. Piesse, E. Taylor, M.R. Creamer, D. Han, C. Everard, N. Borek, F. Hubbard, I. Zandberg, M. Kanel, K. Taylor, H.L. Kimmel, A. Paredes, Y. Siegfried, Y.C. Cheng, J. Kwan, C. Carusi, A. Hyland (2023). “Update to the Design and Methods of the PATH Study, Wave 4 (2016-2017).” To appear in Tobacco Control.

Jones, J.M., I. Molina Manrique, S. Mars, E. Grebe, P. Saa, C. Di Germanio, B. Spencer, M. Lanteri, M. Bravo, E. Notari, V. Green, M. Briggs, M. Coughlin, S. Stramer, J.D. Opsomer, M.P. Busch (2023). “Estimates of U.S. Seroprevalence and Incidence of Primary SARS-CoV-2 Infections by Vaccine Status Using Nationwide Blood Donor Cohort — United States, Mar 2021–Sept 2022.” Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 72: 601-605 (

Basner, M., I. Barnett, M. Carlin, G.H. Choi, J.J. Czech, A.J. Ecker, Y. Gilad, T. Godwin, E. Jodts, C.W. Jones, M. Kaizi-Lutu, J. Kali, J.D. Opsomer, S. Park-Chavar, M.G. Smith, V. Schneller, N. Song, P.A. Shaw (2023). “Effects of Aircraft Noise on Sleep: Federal Aviation Administration National Sleep Study Protocol.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 20: 7024 (DOI: 10.3390/ijerph20217024).

Erciulescu, A.L., J.D. Opsomer and B.J. Schneider (2023). “Statistical data integration using multilevel models to predict employee compensation.” Canadian Journal of Statistics, 51: 312-326 (DOI: 10.1002/cjs.11688). 

Jones, J.M., J.D. Opsomer, M. Stone, T. Benoit, R.A. Ferg, S.L. Stramer and M.P. Busch (2022). “Updated U.S. Infection- and Vaccine-Induced SARS-CoV-2 Seroprevalence Estimates Based on Blood Donations, July 2020–December 2021.” Journal of the American Medical Association, 328: 298-301 (DOI: 10.1001/jama.2022.9745)

Miller, M.J., A. Himschoot, N. Fitch, S. Jawalkar, D. Freeman, C. Hilton, K. Berney, G.P. Guy, T.J. Benoit, K.E.N. Clarke, M.P. Busch, J.D. Opsomer, S.L. Stramer, A.J. Hall, A.V. Gundlapalli, A. MacNeil, R. McCord, G. Sunshine, M. Howard-Williams, C. Dunphy, J.M. Jones (2022). “Association of Trends in SARS-CoV-2 Seroprevalence and State-Issued Nonpharmaceutical Interventions— United States, August 1, 2020 – March 30, 2021.” Clinical Infectious Diseases, 75(S2): S264-S270  (DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciac469)

Busch, M.P., S.L. Stramer, M. Stone, E.A. Yu, E. Grebe, E. Notari, P. Saa, R. Ferg, I. Molina-Manrique, N. Weil, R.V. Fink, M. Levy, V. Green, S. Cyrus, P.C. Williamson, J. Haynes, J. Groves, D. Krysztof, B. Custer, S. Kleinman, B.J. Biggerstaff, J.D. Opsomer, J.M. Jones (2022). “Population-weighted seroprevalence from SARS-CoV-2 infection, vaccination, and hybrid immunity among U.S. blood donations from January-December 2021.” Clinical Infectious Diseases, 75(S2): S254-S263 (DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciac470).

Erciulescu, A. and J.D. Opsomer (2022). “A Model-Based Approach to Predict Employee Compensation Components.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C, 71(5): 1503-1520 (DOI: 10.1111/rssc.12587).

Fink, R., L. Fisher, H. Sulaeman, H. Dave, M. Levy, L. McCann, C. Di Germanio, E. Notari, V. Green, S. Cyrus, P. Williamson, P. Saa, J. Haynes, J. Groves, S. Mathew, Z. Kaidarova, R. Bruhn, E. Grebe, J.D. Opsomer, J. Jones, M. Miller, M. Busch, S. Mars (2022). “How do we… form and coordinate a national serosurvey of SARS-CoV-2 within the blood collection industry?” Transfusion, 62: 1321-1333 (DOI: 10.1111/trf.16943).

Li Z., B. Lewis, K. Berney, E. Hallisey, A.M. Williams, A. Whiteman, L.O. Rivera-González, K. Clarke, H. Clayton, T. Tincher, J.D. Opsomer, M.P. Busch, A. Gundlapalli, J.M. Jones (2022). “Social vulnerability and rurality associated with higher SARS-CoV-2 infection-induced seroprevalence: a nationwide blood donor study, United States, July 2020 – June 2021.” Clinical Infectious Diseases, 75: e133-e143 (DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciac105).

Lennert-Cody, C.E., M. McCracken, S. Siu, R. Oliveros-Ramos, M.N. Maunder, A. Aires-da-Silva, J.M. Carvajal Rodríguez, J.D. Opsomer, P. de Barros (2022). “Single-cluster systematic sampling designs for shark catch size composition in a Central American longline fishery.” Fisheries Research 251: 10632 (DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2022.106320).

Stone, M., C. Di Germanio, D.J. Wright, H. Sulaeman, H. Dave, R.V. Fink, E.P. Notari, V. Green, D. Strauss, D. Kessler, M. Destree, P. Saa, P.C. Williamson, G. Simmons, S.L. Stramer, J.D. Opsomer, J.M. Jones, S. Kleinman, M.P. Busch (2022). “Use of U.S. Blood Donors for National Serosurveillance of SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies: Basis for an Expanded National Donor Serosurveillance Program.” Clinical Infectious Diseases, 74: 871-881 (DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciab537).

Opsomer, J.D. and A. Erciulescu (2021). “Replication variance estimation after sample-based calibration.” Survey Methodology, 47: 265-277.

Jones, J.M., M. Stone, H. Sulaeman, R.V. Fink, H. Dave, M.E. Levy, C. Di Germanio, V. Green, E. Notari, P. Saa, B.J. Biggerstaff, D. Strauss, D. Kessler, R. Vassallo, R. Reik, S. Rossmann, M. Destree, K.-A. Nguyen, M. Sayers, C. Lough, D.W. Bougie, M. Ritter, G. Latoni, B. Weales, S. Sime, J. Gorlin, N.E. Brown, C.V. Gould, K. Berney, T.J. Benoit, M.J. Miller, D. Freeman, D. Kartik, A.M. Fry, E. Azziz-Baumgartner, A.J. Hall, A. MacNeil, A.V. Gundlapalli, S.V. Basavaraju, S.I. Gerber, M.E. Patton, B. Custer, P. Williamson, G. Simmons, N.J. Thornburg, S. Kleinman, S.L. Stramer, J.D. Opsomer, M.P. Busch (2021). “Estimated US Infection- and Vaccine-Induced SARS-CoV-2 Seroprevalence Based on Blood Donations, July 2020-May 2021.” Journal of the American Medical Association, 326: 1400-1409 (DOI: 10.1001/jama.2021.15161).

Xu, X., M.C. Meyer and J.D. Opsomer (2021).  “Improved variance estimation for inequality-constrained domain mean estimators using survey data.”  Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 215: 47-71 (DOI:10.1016/j.jspi.2021.02.004).

Erciulescu, A., J.D. Opsomer and F.J. Breidt (2021). “A Bridging Model to Reconcile Statistics Based on Data from Multiple Surveys.” Annals of Applied Statistics, 15: 1068-1079 (DOI: 10.1214/20-AOAS1437).

Olson, K., J.D. Smyth, R. Horwitz, S. Keeter, V. Lesser, S. Marken, N. Mathiowetz, J. McCarthy, E. O’Brien, J.D. Opsomer, D. Steiger, D. Sterrett, J. Su, Z.T. Suzer-Gurtekin, C. Turakhia, J. Wagner (2021).  “Transitions from telephone surveys to self-administered and mixed-mode surveys: AAPOR task force report.”  Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, 9: 381-411  (DOI: 10.1093/jssam/smz062).

Piesse, A., J.D. Opsomer, S. Dohrmann, R. DiGaetano, D. Morganstein, K. Taylor, C. Carusi and A. Hyland (2021). “Longitudinal Uses of the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health Study.”  Tobacco Regulatory Science, 7: 3-16 (DOI: 10.18001/TRS.7.1.1).

Oliva-Aviles, C., M.C. Meyer and J.D. Opsomer (2020). “Estimation and inference of domain means subject to shape constraints.” Survey Methodology, 46: 145-180.

Meilán-Vila, A., J.D. Opsomer, M. Francisco-Fernández, R.M. Crujeiras (2020).   “A goodness-of-fit test for spatial data.” TEST, 29: 728-749 (DOI:10.1007/s11749-019-00678-y).

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2019). Improving Data Collection and Measurement of Complex Farms. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press (DOI:10.17226/25260). Co-author as member of NASEM Panel.

Oliva-Aviles, C., M.C. Meyer and J.D. Opsomer (2019). “Checking validity of monotone domain mean estimators.” Canadian Journal of Statistics, 47: 315-331 (DOI:10.1002/cjs.11496).

Yu, H., Y. Wang, J.D. Opsomer, P. Wang and N. Ponce (2018).  “A design-based approach to small area estimation using semiparametric generalized linear mixed models.”  Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, 181: 1151-1167 (DOI:10.1111/rssa.12351).

Breidt, F.J., J.D. Opsomer and C.M. Huang (2018). "Model-assisted estimation with imperfectly matched auxiliary data." Predictive Econometrics and Big Data, V. Kreinovich, S. Sriboonchitta and N. Chakpitak (Eds.), Springer, 21-35 (DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-70942-0_2).

De Brabanter, K., F. Cao, I. Gijbels, J.D. Opsomer (2018). "Local polynomial regression with correlated errors in random design and unknown correlation structure."  Biometrika, 105: 681-690 (DOI:10.1093/biomet/asy025)..

Ma, H, T.K. Ogawa, T.R. Sminkey, F.J. Breidt, V.M. Lesser, J.D. Opsomer, J.R. Foster and D.A. Van Voorhees (2018).  “Pilot surveys to improve monitoring of marine recreational fisheries in Hawaii.” Fisheries Research, 204: 197-208 (DOI:10.1016/j.fishres.2018.02.010).

Breidt, F.J. and J.D. Opsomer (2017).  “Model-assisted survey estimation with modern prediction techniques.”  Statistical Science, 32: 190-205 (DOI: 10.1214/16-STS589).

Hernandez-Stumpfhauser, D., F.J. Breidt and J.D. Opsomer (2016).  “Hierarchical Bayesian Small Area Estimation for Circular Data.”  Canadian Journal of Statistics, 44: 416-430 (DOI: 10.1002/cjs.11303).

Wu, J., M.C. Meyer and J.D. Opsomer (2016). "Survey estimators that respect natural orderings." Canadian Journal of Statistics, 44: 431-444 (DOI: 10.1002/cjs.11301).

F.J. Breidt, J.D. Opsomer and I. Sanchez Borrego (2016). "Nonparametric Variance Estimation under Fine Stratification: An Alternative to Collapsed Strata." Journal of the American Statistical Association, 111: 822-833 (DOI: 10.1080/01621459.2015.1058264).

D. Hernandez-Stumpfhauser, F.J. Breidt and J.D. Opsomer (2016). "Variational Approximations for Selecting Hierarchical Models of Circular Data in a Small Area Estimation Application." Statistics in Transition, 17: 91-104.

Ranalli, M.G., F.J. Breidt and J.D. Opsomer (2016). "Nonparametric regression methods for small area estimation."  Analysis of poverty data by small area methods, Monica Pratesi (Ed), Wiley, 265-289.

J.D. Opsomer, F.J. Breidt, M. White and Y. Li (2016). "Successive Difference Replication Variance Estimation in Two-Phase Sampling." Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, 4: 43-70 (DOI: 10.1093/jssam/smv033).

Wang, Y., N. Ponce, P. Wang, J.D. Opsomer and H. Yu (2015). “Generating Health Estimates by Zip Code: A Semi-parametric Small Area Estimation Approach Using the California Health Interview Survey.” American Journal of Public Health, 105: 2534-2540 (DOI: 10.2105/AJPH.2015.302810).

Zimmerle, D.J., L.L. Williams, T.L. Vaughn, C. Quinn, R. Subramanian, G.P. Duggan, B. Willson, J.D. Opsomer, A. Marchese, D.M. Martinez, A.L. Robinson (2015). “Methane emissions from the natural gas transmission and storage system in the United States.” Environmental Science & Technology, 49: 9374-9383 (DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b01669).

He, Z. and J.D. Opsomer (2015). "Local Polynomial Regression with an Ordinal Covariate."  Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 27: 516-531 (DOI: 10.1080/10485252.2015.1078462).

Wu, J., M.C. Meyer and J.D. Opsomer (2015). "Penalized isotonic regression." Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 161, 12-24 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jspi.2014.12.008).

J.C. Wang, J.D. Opsomer and H. Wang (2014). "Bagging non-differentiable estimators in complex surveys." Survey Methodology, 40, 189-209.

I. Sanchez-Borrego, J.D. Opsomer, M. Rueda and A. Arcos (2014). "Nonparametric estimation with mixed data types in survey sampling." Revista Matemática Complutense, 27, 685-700 (DOI: 10.1007/s13163-013-0142-2).

L. Diao, D.D. Smith, G. Datta, T. Maiti and J.D. Opsomer (2014). “Accurate Confidence Interval Estimation of Small Area Parameters under the Fay-Herriot Model.” Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 41, 497-515 (DOI: 10.1111/sjos.12045).

Wang, H., M.C. Meyer and J.D. Opsomer (2013). "Constrained Spline Regression in the Presence of AR(p) Errors." Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 25, 809-827 (DOI: 10.1080/10485252.2013.804075).

J.R. Tipton, J.D. Opsomer, G.G. Moisen, G.G. (2013). “Properties of the Endogenous Post-Stratified Estimator Using a Random Forest Model.” Remote Sensing of the Environment, 139,130-137 (DOI 10.1016/j.rse.2013.07.035).

J.D. Opsomer (2013). “Nonparametric regression model.” Encyclopedia of Environmetrics Second Edition, A.-H. El-Shaarawi and W. Piegorsch (eds).  John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, UK, 1798-1811 (DOI: 10.1002/9780470057339.van019.pub2).

M. Dahlke, F.J. Breidt, J.D. Opsomer and I. Van Keilegom (2013). “Nonparametric endogenous post-stratification in surveys.” Statistica Sinica, 23, 189-211 (DOI: 10.5705/ss.2011.272).

J.W. Karl, M.C. Duniway, S.M. Nusser, J.D. Opsomer and R.S. Unnasch (2012). “Using VHR Imagery for Rangeland Monitoring and Assessment: Some Statistical Considerations.” Rangeland Ecology and Management, 65, 330-339 (DOI: 10.2111/REM-D-11-00102.1).

J.D. Opsomer, M. Francisco-Fernandez and X. Li (2012). “Variance estimation for systematic sampling designs using nonparametric regression.” Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 39, 528-542 (DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9469.2011. 00773.x).

J.D. Opsomer (2011). “Innovations in Survey Sampling Design: Discussion of Three Contributions Presented at the U.S. Census Bureau.” Survey Methodology, 37: 227-231.

G. Kauermann and J.D. Opsomer (2011). Data-driven Selection of the Spline Dimension in Penalized Spline Regression. Biometrika, 98, 225-230.

J.C. Wang and J.D. Opsomer (2011). On the asymptotic normality and variance estimation of nondifferentiable survey estimators. Biometrika, 98, 91-106.

J.D. Opsomer and F.J. Breidt (2011). Nonparametric regression using kernel and spline methods. International Encyclopedia of Statistical Science, Miodrag Lovric (editor), Springer, Part 14, 974-977.

J.D. Opsomer and M. Francisco-Fernandez (2010). Finding Local Departures from a Parametric Model Using Nonparametric Regression. Statistical Papers, 51, 69-84.

G. Kauermann, G. Claeskens and J.D. Opsomer (2009). Bootstrapping for Penalized Spline Regression. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 18, 126-146.

da Silva, D.N. and J.D. Opsomer (2009). Nonparametric propensity weighting for survey nonresponse through local polynomial regression. Survey Methodology, 35, 165-176.

J.D. Opsomer (2009). Alternative approaches to inference from survey data, in Handbook of Statistics - Sample Surveys: Inference and Analysis, Vol. 29B, D. Pfeffermann and C.R. Rao (editors), The Netherlands: North-Holland, 3-10.

Breidt, F.J. and J.D. Opsomer (2009). Nonparametric and semiparametric estimation in complex surveys, in Handbook of Statistics - Sample Surveys: Inference and Analysis, Vol. 29B, D. Pfeffermann and C.R. Rao (editors), The Netherlands: North-Holland, 103-120.

G. Claeskens, T. Krivobokova and J.D. Opsomer (2009). Asymptotic properties of penalized spline estimators. Biometrika, 96, 529-544.

A.A. Johnson, F.J. Breidt and J.D. Opsomer (2008). Estimating distribution functions from survey data using nonparametric regression. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, 2, 419-431.

F.J. Breidt and J.D. Opsomer (2008). Endogenous post-stratification in surveys: classifying with a sample-fitted model. Annals of Statistics, 36, 403-427.

J.D. Opsomer, G. Claeskens, M.G. Ranalli, G. Kauermann and F.J. Breidt (2008). Nonparametric small area estimation using penalized spline regression. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 70, 265-286.

Breidt, F.J. and J.D. Opsomer (2007). Discussion of `Struggles with survey weighting and regression modeling’ by A. Gelman. Statistical Science, 22, 168-170.

F.J. Breidt, J.D. Opsomer, A.A. Johnson and M.G. Ranalli (2007). Semiparametric model-assisted estimation for natural resource surveys. Survey Methodology, 33, 35-44.

J.D. Opsomer, F.J. Breidt, G.G. Moisen and G. Kauermann (2007). Model-assisted estimation of forest resources with generalized additive models (with discussion). Journal of the American Statistical Association, 102, 400-416.

D. N da Silva and J.D. Opsomer (2006). A kernel smoothing method to adjust for unit nonresponse in sample surveys. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 34, 563-579.

M. Francisco-Fernandez, M. Jurado-Exposito, J.D. Opsomer and F. Lopez-Granados (2006). A nonparametric analysis of the distribution of Convolvulus arvensis in wheat-sunflower rotations. Environmetrics, 17, 849-860.

R.M. Cruse, D. Flanagan, J. Frankenberger, B.K. Gelder, D. Herzmann, D. James, W. Krajewski, M. Kraszewski, J.M. Laflen, J.D. Opsomer, and D. Todey (2006). Daily estimates of rainfall, water runoff, and soil erosion in Iowa.  Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 61, 191-199.

F.J. Breidt, G. Claeskens and J.D. Opsomer (2005). Model-assisted estimation for complex surveys using penalized splines. Biometrika, 92, 831-846.

M. Francisco-Fernandez and J.D. Opsomer (2005), Smoothing Parameter Selection Methods for Nonparametric Regression with Spatially Correlated Errors. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 33, 279-295.

J.D. Opsomer and C.P. Miller (2005). Selecting the Amount of Smoothing in Nonparametric Regression Estimation for Complex Surveys. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 17, 593-611.

P. Hall and J.D. Opsomer (2005). Theory for penalised spline regression. Biometrika, 92, 105-118.

D.N. da Silva and J.D. Opsomer (2004). Properties of the Weighting Cell Estimator under a Nonparametric Response Mechanism. Survey Methodology, 30, 45-55.

M. Francisco-Fernandez, J.D. Opsomer and J. Vilar-Fernandez (2004), A plug-in bandwidth selector for local polynomial regression estimator with correlated errors. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 16, 127-151.

G. Kauermann and J.D. Opsomer (2004). Generalized cross-validation for bandwidth selection of backfitting estimators in generalized additive models. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 13, 66-89.

G. Kauermann and J.D. Opsomer (2003). Local likelihood estimation in generalized additive models. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 30, 317-337.

J.D. Opsomer, C. Botts and J.Y. Kim (2003). Small area estimation in a watershed erosion assessment survey. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics, 8, 139-152.

J.D. Opsomer, H.H. Jensen and S. Pan (2003). An Evaluation of the USDA Food Security Measure with Generalized Linear Mixed Models. Journal of Nutrition, 133, 421-427.

J.D. Opsomer (2002). Nonparametric regression model. Encyclopedia of Environmetrics, A.H. El-Shaarawi and W.W. Piegorsch (editors), Wiley & Sons, Chichester U.K., Volume 3, 1411-1425.

J.D. Opsomer, Y. Wang and Y. Yang (2001). Nonparametric regression with correlated errors. Statistical Science, 16, 134-153.

F.J. Breidt and J.D. Opsomer (2000). Local polynomial regression estimators in survey sampling. Annals of Statistics, 28, 1026-1053.

J.D. Opsomer (2000). Asymptotic properties of backfitting estimators. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 73,166-179.

J.D. Opsomer and D. Ruppert (1999). A root-n consistent estimators for semi-parametric additive models, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 8:715-732.

J.D. Opsomer, D. Ruppert, M.P. Wand, U. Holst and O. Hossjer (1999). Kriging with nonparametric variance function estimation. Biometrics, 55, 704-710.

J.D. Opsomer and S.M. Nusser (1999). Sample designs for watershed assessment. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics, 4, 429-442.

J.D. Opsomer and D. Ruppert (1998). A fully automated bandwidth selection method for fitting additive models. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 93, 605-619.

J.D. Opsomer (1997). Nonparametric regression in the presence of correlated errors, in Modelling Longitudinal and Spatially Correlated Data: Methods, Applications and Future Directions, T.G. Gregoire, D.R. Brillinger, P.J. Diggle, E. Russek-Cohen, W.G. Warren and R.D. Wolfinger (editors), Springer, New York, 339-348.

J.D. Opsomer and D. Ruppert (1997). Fitting a bivariate additive model by local polynomial regression. Annals of Statistics, 25, 186-211.

J.D. Opsomer, J. Agras, A. Carpi and G. Rodrigues (1995). An application of locally weighted regression to airborne mercury deposition around an incinerator site. Environmetrics, 6, 205-221.

J.D. Opsomer and J. M. Conrad (1994). An open-access analysis of the Northern Anchovy fishery. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 27, 21-37.

Technical Reports

Cervantes, I.F., J.D. Opsomer, G. Kalton, R. Bain, A. De and P. Stupp (2020), “Estimating HIV incidence using complex survey data.”

Erciulescu A.L. and Opsomer J.D. (2019). “A model-based approach to predict employee compensation components.’’ Proceedings of the Government Statistics Section. American Statistical Association, Alexandria, VA,1601-1623.

Ma, H., T. Ogawa, F. J. Breidt, V. Lesser, J.D. Opsomer, T. Sminkey, C. Hawkins, A. Bagwill and D. Van Voorhees (2016). “Pilot Surveys of Shore Fishing on Oahu, Hawaii.” Proceedings of the Survey Research Methods Section, American Statistical Association, Alexandria, VA, 2355-2369.

L. You and J.D. Opsomer (2014). Cross-Validation in Penalized Spline Model-Assisted Estimation.

J.D. Opsomer, M. Francisco-Fernandez and X. Li (2012). Supporting Materials for "Model-based nonparametric variance estimation for systematic sampling in a forestry survey."

G. Kauermann and J.D. Opsomer (2010). Data-driven Selection of the Spline Dimension in Penalized Spline Regression: Supplementary Materials.

J.Y Kim, F.J. Breidt and J.D. Opsomer (2009). Nonparametric Regression Estimation of Finite Population Totals under Two-Stage Sampling. Technical Report #2009/4, Department of Statistics, Colorado State University.

D.N. da Silva and J.D. Opsomer (2008). Theoretical properties of propensity weighting for survey nonresponse through local polynomial regression. Technical Report #2008/6, Department of Statistics, Colorado State University.

C.P. Miller and J.D. Opsomer (2004). Theorems on Bandwidth Selection for Local Polynomial Regression with Survey Data. Preprint Series #04-18, Department of Statistics, Iowa State University.

J.D. Opsomer and G. Kauermann (2000). Weighted local polynomial regression, weighted additive models and local scoring. Preprint Series #00-7, Department of Statistics, Iowa State University.