list of courses

Theory of Production and Consumption

(2018 Fall, 2019 Fall, 2020 Fall, 2021 Fall)

Course Summary

1. Course Material: MWG Chapter 1-6 (graduate-level micro theory)

(i) consumption; (ii) production; (iii) choice under uncertainty

2. Medium of Teaching: English

3. Level: Sophomore (2nd yr undergraduate)

4. Evaluation: Weekly Problem Set (20%), Midterm (30%), Final Exam (50%)

Teaching Evaluation

1. Class size: 65 (2018), 73 (2019), 79 (2020)

2. Numerical Score: 99.49/100 (2018), 99.08/100 (2019), N/A (2020)

3. Selected Comments

  • 许多年来少见的具有讲课艺术的老师,非常好!

  • 很难的内容可以用极易理解的方式!爱他!

  • 欧巴真的特别棒,虽然语言上有点小挫折,但是还是把课讲的特别清楚有条理。

  • 注重创新思维的培养

Advanced Topics in Mathematics (2018 Spring)

Topics in Finance: Stochastic Calculus with Financial Applications (2019 Fall)

Stochastic analysis (2021 spring)

Course Summary:

1. Course Material: Black-Scholes option pricing model

2. Medium of Teaching: English

3. Level: Junior (3rd yr undergraduate)

4. Evaluation: Weekly Problem Set (10%), Midterm I, II (40%), Final Exam (50%)

Teaching Evaluation:

1. Class size: 42 (2018), 13 (2019), 24 (2021)

2. Numerical Score: 99.85/100 (2018), 99.96/100 (2019), N/A (2021)

3. Selected Comments:

  • 老师人非常可爱!很认真很负责,所授知识开阔 了眼界,考核方式新颖

  • 老师上课认 真负责,知识点讲授的很清晰透彻

  • 老师 很幽默 humorous and kind

Advanced Topics in Microeconomics I (2018 Fall)

Course Summary:

1. Course Material: Contract Theory and Economics of Organization

2. Medium of Teaching: English

3. Level: Sophomore (2nd yr undergraduate)

4. Evaluation: Problem Set I-IV (20%), Pre-Proposal (30%), Proposal (50%)

Teaching Evaluation:

1. Class Size: 20 (offered only to the honored students)

2. Numerical Score: 98.44/100

3. Selected Comments

  • 老师尽职尽责,努力讲解,不过因为是全英文授课对我来说太过困难,听一会总会神游天外,内容深刻但讲解浅显清晰,不可多得的好老师,身为学生我很敬佩他,不过不是很适合我

Advanced Microeconomic Theory I (2018 Fall)

Course Summary

1. Course Material: MWG Chapter 1-5 (graduate-level micro theory)

(i) consumption; (ii) production

2. Medium of Teaching: English

3. Level: 1st year Master

4. Evaluation: Final Exam (100%)

Teaching Evaluation (N/A)

International Trade (2015 Summer, 2016 Summer)

Instructor in Johns Hopkins University (during my doctorate study)

Course Summary

1. Course Material: the 1st half of Melitz-Obsfeld-Krugman

2. Medium of Teaching: English

3. Level: Junior (3rd yr undergraduate)

4. Evaluation: Problem Set I-IV (30%), Midterm (30%), Final (40%)

Teaching Evaluation

1. Size: 6 (2015), 8 (2016)

2. Numerical Score: 4.75/5.00 (2015), 4.38/5.00 (2016)

3. Comments: N/A