
Welcome to my homepage!

I am an Associate Professor at Department of Economics and Business Economics, Aarhus University.

I completed my PhD in November 2015.

I am affiliated with CESifo and IZA

My main interests are Labour Economics, Applied Microeconometrics and Labour Market Models.

See google scholar citations here

I was recently awarded the Sapere Aude research grant by the Independent Research Council to pursue research in the impacts of Individual Debt Relief. 

For more information see here. See a Danish description of the project here.

See the first working paper here: 

The Effects of Debt Relief on Labor Market Outcomes
w. G. Bruze and A. Hilsløv

Contact info:

Jonas Maibom

Associate Professor

Aarhus University

Business and Social Sciences

Department of Economics and Business

T: 87164821

M: maibom(at)econ.au.dk