
賴秋琳 博士

Jolen, Chiu-Lin Lai



Associate Professor, Department of Education, National Taipei University of Education

研究興趣/Research Interests

成就/Academic Awards 


賴秋琳博士目前服務於國立臺北教育大學教育學系。她的學術與技術專長包括數位學習、行動與無所不在學習、自律學習、數位媒體互動設計以及學習歷程與行為分析。目前已發表超過65篇與數位學習相關之論文著作,其中有27篇SSCI論文;並擔任十多個學術期刊與研討會之論文審查委員。目前擔任臺灣教育部高中職科技輔助自主學習輔導計畫協同主持人以及結合適性回饋機制之自主科學DIY數位創新學習計畫協同主持人,以及執行資策會、教育部、科技部等單位專案計畫;更受邀為學習行為分析、Virtual Reality、擴增實境、心智工具、互動式電子書以及結構方程式專題演講。


Dr. Chiu-Lin Lai is currently serving in the Department of Education, National Taipei University of Education. Her research interests include learning behavioral analysis, computer-assisted learning, self-regulated learning and mobile and ubiquitous learning. She had published more than 54 papers related to e-learning, including 20 SSCI papers.

She is an experienced speaker on topics such as Learning behavioral analysis, Computers as Mindtools, Virtual reality, Development of Interactive electronic books, Methodology of Structural Equation Models, and Educational Bid Data.

Owing to the distinguished academic performance and service in e-learning, she has been invited as the co-principal investigator of the Technology support self-regulated learning promotion program for high school. She established the teacher training workshops and conference since 2012, and promoted the training and learning strategies to other countries, such as Thailand, China and Hong Kong.

News Exposure

List of top 2% scientists around the world 2023  (singleyr)

List of top 2% scientists around the world 2022  (singleyr)

List of top 2% scientists around the world 2021  (singleyr)

Top 20 influential researchers of mobile learning

In the 2021 Telematics and Informatics Journal (SSCI) research report, Dr. C. L. Lai was ranked among the top 20 research scholars in the world in the field of action learning.


WFH & LFM 疫情下的遠距教學



Cover-people of COOC Technology




為了幫助學生建立自學習慣,國立臺北教育大學以與國立臺灣科學教育館聯手,由國北教大教育學系賴秋琳教授團隊開發出科學DIY APP,APP中將科教館館內資源、科學DIY活動以及科學知識內容結合,民眾只要下載這個APP,逛科教館時就有專屬的科學導覽,還能協助民眾進行科教館的手作課程,儼然是科學小老師。

除了開發科學DIY APP之外,賴秋琳教授更整合各級學校的科學與科技相關課程內容,發展多種科學與科技自主學習活動,成功地將科技輔助自主學習及科學DIY的教學模式推廣到各級學校。 By 國家教育廣播電台
