Welcome to Jo Ford's Online Resume

Jo Ford has had over 30 years experience working in the performing arts industry where she has a passion for merging creativity with well-being. 



Currently studying Cert III in Auslan (Dubbo TAFE online)



Jo Ford has performed professionally in a number of settings. Highlights include dancing with the Sydney Metropolitan Opera Company and touring Australia with Manoeuvres Dance Company performing for over 200 schools. Jo's Choreography has been nominated for 10 CONDA Awards (City Of Newcastle Drama Awards). In 2014 she WON a CONDA for her outstanding Choreography in 'Disney's Little Mermaid',  produced by Hunter Drama. She was also involved in re-choreographing this production for the World Junior Theatre Festival in Atlanta U.S.A. which won Most Outstanding Production. She recently choreographed 'Freaky Friday' for the award winning New Zealand team in the 2022 Newcastle Junior Theatre Festival and 'Shrek Jnr' in 2023 which won Excellence in Dance.  Some of the other productions she has choreographed include: Cabaret, Beauty and the Beast, Little Shop of Horrors, Eurobeat, Stories From the Storm, Expiring Minds, Working, Bat Boy, The Trial, Redcap, The Great American Trailer Park Musical, Idaho, Annie Get Your Gun, Have a Nice Life, Closer, Spring Awakening, The Wild Party, The Wiz, The Twits, The Drowsy Chaperone, The Other Woman's Child, Bubble Boy, History Boys, The Taming of the Shrew, The Chapel Perilous, Work Fight Unite, Salome, Company, Dog Sees God, Shopping and F***ing, and "Things I Know to be True" produced by The Very Popular Theatre Company, for which she WON the excellence for a choreographer 2021 CONDA award. 


"Jo Ford's self-devised and directed movement piece won the top prize of a major international festival of over 1,000 entries!"

Jo was involved in the Australian Short n Sweet Play Festival for 4 consecutive years. She choreographed and performed in "From a Great Height"  the winning play of Newcastle's 2011 "Short n Sweet" showcase, which also went on to win the first week of Sydney's 2012 "Short n Sweet" and then won best Director in the Gala Final. The next year she performed in, devised and directed the movement play “People Strings” which went on to win the top prize of Best Overall Production in the 2013 Sydney Gala Final. The year after, she directed the play "Advanced" which came second in the judges choice in the semi final. And in her fourth year of involvment, Jo performed in her self devised and directed comedy "Chance You Can Dance" which came second in the judges choice, scoring a spot in the Gala final as Festival Director's Choice. 

Most recently (2021) Jo performed in her self devised comedic work "That Play about Time and Space"  in Knock and Run's 2021 short play festival.




In 2013/2014 Jo Ford co-created and creatively directed the unique dance project Uncensored Bodies 1 to 5, for which she received a Hunter TAFE staff Innovation Award.

UNCENSORED BODIES was an experimental project that boldly challenged the myth that dance is exclusive to a certain age group, gender, body type or ability.

Uncensored Bodies # 1 - Expect the Unexpected  

Uncensored Bodies # 2  - Renewed Bodies

Uncensored Bodies # 3 - Under and Over Exposed Bodies - ex dancers choreograph

Uncensored Bodies # 4 - Moving Instruments - collaboration with live musicians 

Uncensored Bodies # 5  - Male Only - bringing awareness to the Hunter Prostate Cancer Alliance 

Uncensored Voices #1 - Singing on stage for those who usually only  sing in their shower or car

Testimonies of the "Bodies"

“I'm not exaggerating when I say taking part in Uncensored Bodies was exhilarating and liberating….it has been a turning point in my life. I faced the challenge, did it and thoroughly surprised and enjoyed myself.  At age 55 that's no mean feat. If I can do it, anyone can!”

“The experience has inspired me to be more creative more often and the support everyone showed for each other was truly beautiful. The process of working with people you have never met before and creating something together and then having the opportunity to be on stage was incredible. They say we should do things that scare us and remind us who we are and what we are capable of, this gave me that.”

Uncensored Bodies also provided a supportive environment for emerging, established, or exhausted professional dancers/choreographers to challenge and expand their creative scope.

Testimonial of a Choreographer

“Uncensored Bodies was a refreshing and inspiring experience. Usually when choreographing a dance piece I concentrate on technique,  but using 'bodies' allowed me to return to honest and organic storytelling. The movements became natural and meaningful, and showcased how beautiful movement can be on all bodies. It was a rewarding and invaluable learning experience.”


Jo first moved from Newcastle NSW to rural Magnetic Island QLD in 2015, where she started a Music Theatre Class at the local Active Centre. The imagination and joy the kids brought to each class inspired her to expand the opportunities she offered. Her  students performed in many settings including: The Biggest Morning Tea, Cabaret Charity for Myeloma Cancer and many local concerts. Jo also worked with the students/community to create original scripts including; Magnetalent - a talent quest with a twist; Barbie Doll - inspired by a video online of Miss America pageant contestants from the 80's answering the question, "Should we have Maths in schools?"; The Magnetic Island (Please Please Make Me Feel Like My Life Is Way Way Better) Retreat - at the Picnic Bay Golf Club; Mad Hatter Tea Party- at Amaroo; Rock it Solo - at Picnic bay Golf Club; Choreographic Workshop; Creativity Competition; Lost in the Right Direction - an epic pantomime performed throughout the gardens of Amaroo; and The Wizard of Oz -told in a whole new way!

Theatre on The Rock Facebook Page


2016 to 2021

2013 to 2014

Testimonials From Past Diploma Students

"As my teacher, Jo gave me the confidence to move and dance. I now act, direct and teach musical theatre to kids and always try to teach the way Jo did - with passion and joy!" Drew Holmes - Award winning actor/director

"Jo Ford was the most fun tutor I ever had. Her talent and teaching style encouraged me to enjoy dance and performance, and this is coming from a guy who played rugby for years!" Glen Waterhouse - Award winning actor/film director/photography

"Jo Ford was not only my dance teacher during my Advanced Diploma in Arts at The Regional Institute of Performing Arts, but she was also a life mentor. Jo had the patience and expertise to explain the techniques of dance to me in a way that made sense. A knowledgeable, invested and encouraging teacher, Jo truly empowers her students with a heart felt approach that truly transforms the student’s confidence and ability." Seth Drury - Stage and Screen actor/dancer/singer - Best known for Australian Idol (2009), Please Like Me (ABC), ZooMoo Groove (Channel 7)

Jo is a rare artist. She always creates fresh and vibrant work with a range of abilities. Her methods are always fun, engaging and challenging. Jo searches for and finds untapped potential in every person, then develops and develops and develops it." Hilary Park - actor/movement/fashion 

"Jo is a unique and special teacher. Her innovative teaching style and contagious energy inspires and challenges her students. She inspired me towards my personal best. The patience, kindness and care Jo took with the students in her class was special and I am fortunate to have been taught be someone as unique as Jo." Michelle Lim Davidson - best known for her screen roles on Play School (ABC), The Newsreader and After the Verdict.  

"Coming from a non-dance background and being overweight and incredibly insecure about my body I was petrified of what was in store. Jo immediately made me feel welcome, calm and comfortable. She nurtured me and empowered me and made me realise my potential. She is wickedly funny, intelligent, insanely talented and can see the beauty and strength in everyone no matter what shape or size."  Phillips Spicer - Professional actor

"Jo Ford is one of the most creative and caring arts teachers I have had the pleasure of working with. Her abstract way of thinking and welcoming personality allows you as a student to be unapologetically creative, inventive and most importantly, your true self." Rachel Davies - actress/singer/dancer - best known for her role of Elphaba in the Newcastle Production of Wicked

“During my 3 years of my Acting Diploma I found Jo her to be one of the most caring, empathetic and encouraging teachers I have ever met. She is talented, kind, hilarious and treats every student equally. She gave me confidence in a time where I had very little. I can honestly say that having her as a teacher has changed me for the better and I’m forever grateful to her.” Anna Lambert - comedian/actor/singer

"Through coaching with Jo, I found more confidence to believe in myself. Jo allowed the space for me to get clear on what I wanted, and to find the courage to put myself out there. With that confidence and persistence, I started realising that I could achieve absolutely anything I wanted to, and I did! What's great about Jo is that she truly cares."  Stephanie Priest - Award winning actress/vocalist

Contact details

Jo Ford


0415 877 885