Why 'Thor Ragnarok' Could Be The Greatest Mcu Film

Post date: Jun 28, 2018 4:21:40 AM

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is a strange place. While a huge percentage of its films are both critically-praised and box-office hits, the films themselves couldn’t be any more different. You have your run-o’-the-mill superhero hits such as “Iron Man 3” and “Spider-Man: Homecoming,” your huge events like “The Avengers” and “Captain America: Civil War,” and your socially-relevant efforts in “Black Panther” and “Iron Man.”

Image source: express.co.uk

But every time we’re asked, we’ve always been clear about it -- our favorite MCU films were those doused heavily in humor. Movies like “Ant-Man” and “Guardians of the Galaxy” for fans did what superhero movies were supposed to do – entertain. And because of this, my choice for greatest MCU film is the hilariously fun adventure “Thor Ragnarok.”

How good was “Thor Ragnarok”? It didn’t need to pander to any social group to be one of the highest-rated MCU films ever. It was silly. It was colorful. It was funny. And it was very entertaining. It was easy to watch, and it wasn’t sloppily made.

Sure, many MCU fans might frown on the lack of gravitas, but there was. From Odin’s teachings to Thor’s valiant sacrifice of his home to save his people, there was enough importance to keep it from being a slapstick comedy. And yet, it was this comedy that elevated “Thor Ragnarok” to the top of our charts.

In so many ways, the film broke the stereotypical superhero movie and achieved cinematic greatness with one crucial element: it didn’t take itself seriously. While it still follows in the footsteps of other Marvel blockbusters, with great action and a number of quality laugh-out-loud moments, “Thor: Ragnarok” turns up the comedic volume all the way to 11.

There was a fresh, funny joke at every corner, with almost every character being as amusing as they could be. And it worked. In fact, it worked so well that it won over even the toughest critics.

Image source: uproxx.com

“Thor: Ragnarok” ended up more like a “Guardians of the Galaxy” movie with most of its scenes happening far away from Earth. And that too, much like the comedy, worked.

Truth be told, “Thor: Ragnarok” set the bar so high and was just a sheer joy to watch what future Marvel movies ('Black Panther' included) will have to deal with fans who want to experience something just as fun.

My name is Joe Cianciotto, an architect and movie buff based in the San Francisco Bay area. I'm a long-time fan of superheroes flicks and classic films. Follow me on Facebook for similar updates.