Three Great Sequels Of Three Great Films

Post date: Jul 12, 2018 10:30:18 AM

When you create a sequel (or a reboot or remake for that matter), the rule of thumb is that it has to be just as good or better than the original. And while there have been amazing sequels in the past, there were those that nobody thought any sequel could surpass. Let’s take a look at them.

The Godfather Part II (1974)

The question has lingered on for decades: "Which is the better Godfather movie?" Fans are sticking to the original as its overall impact on film and filmmaking was a game-changer. The sequel, however, brought all the elements of the first film, but with a higher budget, thus reaching a greater technical achievement.

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Aliens (1986)

When James Cameron took on Ridley Scott’s space-horror epic “Alien,” Cameron took it to a direction that not only deepened the entire lore, he infused in with several other genres such as action, fantasy, and comedy. The result was one of the most thrilling sci-fi action films of all-time, with a group of marines holding their own against an overwhelming xenomorph threat. And then there’s the queen …

Blade Runner 2049 (2017)

Another Ridley Scott masterpiece was “Blade Runner.” It was extremely groundbreaking that for over two decades, no director was willing to take on a sequel. Enter Denis Villeneuve. With a penchant for directing tightly-wound suspense thrillers, Villeneuve seemed like a perfect fit. And what came out was a masterpiece of his own devices, a movie just as compelling as the original.

Hi, Joe Cianciottohere. I’m a San Francisco Bay Area-based architect and movie buff. Mumblecore flicks are among my faves. For related reads, visit this blog.