Movie binging? Here are some films you should watch on Netflix

Post date: Dec 29, 2020 7:17:51 PM

During these trying times wearing a mask, being hygienic, and staying at home make you a responsible citizen. However, with staying at home comes extreme boredom and it’s not an easy hurdle to overcome, notes Joseph Cianciotto. Here are some classics to binge while you’re being a responsible citizen on your couch! Joe Cianciotto. Enola Holmes Enola Holmes is a film about the Holmes family’s only daughter. Yes, you thought right, she is Sherlock Holmes’ youngest sibling and one sister. After being taken care of by her mother for all of her years in the house, Enola Holmes grew up to be a lady, or rather, a woman capable of doing things herself. Like her older siblings, she also possesses a high IQ, especially in the skill of deduction and detective work. Enola Holmes is played by 16-year old actress Millie Bobby-Brown, notably known for being Eleven in Stranger Things. Joe Cianciotto. Joe Cianciotto.

Ready Player One If you’re like the other people in quarantine, you’ve most likely been immersed in video games. Ready Player One is a movie all about the world being run by games. Everyone has a VR set and an Omnipad which tracks everything from your body movements to heartbeats. The video game location is called the Oasis with tons of activities to do, from RPGs, to FPS, to boss hunts. In the movie, we follow Wade Watts, an avid Gunter, who searches for the key to the whole game. When the creator made the game, he left three keys in order to unlock the full game and whoever found all three will have full discretion on how the game will be played. Tye Sheridan plays Watts and takes us through the Oasis. The Meg If you’ve ever swam in the ocean and thought sharks were plenty scary, you probably shouldn’t watch Meg. But if you’re more than interested to watch anything that’ll make you piss yourself scared, then this movie is made for you. The movie follows Jonas Taylor, the best shark hunter the world has to offer to hunt the legendary Megalodon, which has recently appeared due to explosions in the ocean. This movie has everything from thriller to suspense to comedy. Jason Statham plays Taylor, a fitting image for the best shark hunter in the world. Joe Cianciotto.