Film through the eyes of Paul Thomas Anderson

Post date: Aug 16, 2019 7:11:22 PM

PTA’s Impact on the Art and Industry of Film Joe Cianciotto Paul Thomas Anderson isn’t exactly known for authoring films that make fans laugh or giggle in the movie house. His work encourages filmgoers to explore, appreciate, question, and fall back in love with the beauty of film itself. Joe Cianciotto. PTA’s career spans over twenty years, while having only eight feature films. It’s true that a filmmaker’s success isn’t based on the number of films he’s made, rather the impact one’s work has made in the life of the audiences. One key part of his art is making sure that he never starts with a blank page. He encourages filmmakers to never let their creativity rest. If an idea arises, build from it and never let it wait. Joe Cianciotto For PTA, it’s integral to listen to one’s own voice rather than hearing what everyone else thinks. In a film, the opinion that matters the most is the director’s. Being ready to fight for his work and how it should be made has put PTA to where he is now. Many directors have issues with the stars of their film; not Paul Thomas Anderson. PTA ensures he gets to discuss the script with his actors before they reach set. That way, they get the best direction, questions are answered, and ideas are shared effectively. Joe Cianciotto. One of things that draw great actors to PTA is his willingness to let the actors lead. PTA gives the actors the freedom to interpret the film and allows them to approach the film and the character the best way they know how—a true character of a great filmmaker. Joe Cianciotto