Are the new Apple XS and XR phones worth the upgrade?

Post date: Oct 02, 2018 7:35:42 PM

Like clockwork, every year come September, Apple would release a new phone. This time, however, it wasn’t as hyped as its 10th generation, $1,000 Apple X, but a series of upgrades in the XS Max, XS, and XR models.

Among the three options, the XS Max is the one that packs the most power, with its bigger Note-like screen and improved processing power. The XS has the same features, even though its size is similar to the previous iPhone X. Rounding off the releases is the supposedly more market-friendly XRs, which come in a variety of colors and are expected to start at $749.

Just hours after the announcement, many tech writers and Apple supporters have already displayed their dissatisfaction with them, with some even outright stating that they would not even bother buying any of these new phones. The main argument is that they, simply put, offer very little to warrant an upgrade.

The case against buying any of these phones is solid, as they don’t offer enough new features for the ridiculous pricing. This, of course, might not affect the average Apple fan. But those on the brink of switching to Android may have already been swayed. The touted 15% increase in computing performance is simply not enough, along with the phone’s myriad options for size and colors.

Moreover, it’s not cost-efficient to buy the low-end Apple XR phone when counterparts from high-end Android-based companies offer better features for over hundreds of dollars less. Maybe Apple should just maintain its image as the smartphone elitist and just allow the rest of the world to find optimum phone solutions in Google-backed brands like Samsung, OnePlus, Xiaomi, and Huawei. At least, until it really has something better to offer.

Hi, the name’sJoe Cianciotto and I’m a San Francisco Bay Area-based architect. I like to write about buildings, new gadgets, and movie blockbusters. Follow me on Twitter for similar updates.