
Journal of New Technology and Materials (JNTM), Vol. 01, N°00 (2011)

Special issue of NMCA’2011

Reflexion/ Transmission of a plane wave on a plane interface

F. Rahmia, H. Aklouchea, N. Bedrici-Fraïb,c, Ph. Gatignolb, C. Poteld

a Laboratoire Dynamique Des Moteurs et Vibroacoustique, Université M. B. de Boumerdès 35 000, Algérie.

b Laboratoire Roberval, UMR CNRS 6253, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, BP 20529, 60205 Compiègne Cedex, France.

c ESTACA, BP 76121, 53061 LAVAL Cedex 9, France.

d LAUM, UMR CNRS 6613, Université du Maine, 72 085 LE MANS Cedex 9, France.

* Corresponding author : Tel : +213 774 65 75 44; Fax : + 213 24 91 30 99; Email : rahmifahim@gmail.com

Received: 23 May 2011, accepted: 30 September 2011


On a plane interface between two elastic half-space, P and SV waves propagating in the pare related by Snell's law and the law of continuity of displacement components and and constraints and on both sides of the interface. An incident wave P or wave SV generates two P or SV reflected waves and two transmitted waves P or SV. The four continuity equations are written in the form of a matrix multiplied by a vector transmission-reflection coefficient, defined for potential movement of the particles. For an planar boundary between fluids with different characteristic impedances, there is continuity of and on both sides of the interface and the shear in the medium must vanish at the interface (fluid media involving only perfect no viscosity, so that was normal stresses, not shear stress ). As soon as the angle of incidence exceeds a critical value of incidence, the wave for which the value of incidence is greater than becomes evanescent. The reflection-transmission coefficients become complex.

Keywords : P waves, incidence, reflection, transmission