Jaime Millán-Quijano

I am a resident fellow at the Navarra Center for International Development (NCID) at Universidad de Navarra. I am also a consultant partner at Econometría S.A. (Colombia) and a research partner of the Centro de Estudios Manuel Ramirez (Colombia). 

My research is in applied microeconomics, development economics, and public policy. Using experimental and non-experimental data, I am currently focused on understanding how market failures and weak institutions affect individuals' welfare and constrain the impact of public policy.  

I am co-organizing the II Spanish Workshop in Development Economics, hosted by the NCID, at the Universidad de Navarra (Pamplona) on October 24th and 25, 2024. Enrique Seira (Michigan State University and J-Pal), and David Evans (Inter-American Development Bank) will be our keynote speakers.

Research profile

Conversatorio Jóvenes en Accíon, Bogotá (2018)

Navarra Center for International DevelopmentInstitute for Culture and SocietyUniversidad de NavarraEdificio de Bibliotecas - Entrada Este, 2ª PlantaPamplona, Spain 31009Tel: +34 948 42 56 00
e-mail: jmillanq@unav.es 
Econometría S.A. Calle 94 A # 13 - 59 Piso 5BogotáColombiaTel: (57) 601 6 23 77 17 
e-mail: jmillan@econometria.com