Untitled (Table)


2 plywood boards 80 x 200 cm, 8 plastic containers 15 x 22 x 39 cm, 4 plastic containers 10 x 14 x 25 cm, 2 plastic containers 6 x 24 x 34 cm, 4 plastic containers 6 x 17 x 25 cm, 24 plastic plates Ø 15 cm, 30 plastic cups Ø 7.5 cm, found cigarette filters, found tobacco, found cigarette ash, found cigarette papers, found hand-rolled cigarette butts, electric hot plate, 2 brushes, 2 found twigs , 2 stones, candle, 6 jars with liquid nicotine extract, white ceramic bowl with cooked and dried tobacco, paper labels, pen, tweezers, 2 plastic containers 8 x 11 x 15 cm with red and white vinegar, 4 packs of Benson & Hedges cigarettes, 2 packs of Nicotiana Tabacum seeds

Overall display dimensions 80 x 400 cm

Photos Christian Frey