
July 25, 2022: Joined Intel as Compiler Engineer in MTC Group

July 21, 2021: Our paper titled "Kernel Fusion in OpenCL" was accepted for presentation at Hetropar 2021 

May 21, 2021: Multicoreware Internship Workshop, MIW 2021 

Dec, 20, 2021PPoPP' 21 Artifact evaluation

Oct 20-22, 2020 : Attended Conference: SIPS 2020

Oct 14-20, 2020: Joined PC of PPoPP 21 AE

Oct 6-8,2020: Attended Conference: Next Generation Electronic Systems: Heterogeneous Integration, Thermal and Power Management, Related Machine Learning

Aug 24,2020:)

Jul 8, 2020Our paper titled "Optimizing Halide for Digital Signal Processors" accepted for publication in SIPS 2020

May 31, 2020: Submitted a paper to SIPS

Mar 23, 2020: Work From Home starts