Jinhyuk Lee's Homepage

Mail : jinhyuklee@korea.ac.kr



Academic Position

Professor, Korea University, 2023.3 - present

Associate Professor, Korea University, 2018.3 - 2023.2

Assistant Professor, Korea University, 2015.9 - 2018.2

Assistant Professor, UNIST, 2012-2015.8

Fields of Research

Industrial Organization, Applied Microeconomics, and Applied Econometrics 


UCLA, Ph.D. in Economics

UCLA, M.Phil. in Economics



Auctions with Externalities: An Experimental Study, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, forthcoming, with Chulyoung Kim, Sang-Hyun Kim and Jaeok Park

The Impact of Public Procurement on Market Competition: Evidence from South Korea, Applied Economics Letters, forthcoming, with Kanghyock Koh

Asymmetry and non-linearity in exchange rate pass-through: Evidence from scanner data, Journal of International Money and Finance, 2024, with In Kyung Kim and Hyejoon Im

Allocating CO2 Emissions: A Dynamic Claims Problem, Review of Economic Design, 2023, with Eun Jeong Heo

Strategic Alliances in a Veto Game: An Experimental Study, European Journal of Political Economy, 2022, with Chulyoung Kim, Sang-Hyun Kim and Joosung Lee 

The Effects of Price Competition on Firms’ Operations and Market Price: Evidence from A Retail Gasoline Market, Energy Economics, 2022, with Kanghyock Koh and Sungho Jeon

Collective Proofreading and the Optimal Voting Rule, Global Economic Review, 2022, with Duk Gyoo Kim and Euncheol Shin

“Collection of Personal Data with Information Externality in Two-Sided Markets,” Journal of Economic Theory and Econometrics, 2020, with Hyungjin Kim

“Testing the Nested Fixed Point Algorithm in BLP Random Coefficients Demand Estimation,” Journal of Economic Theory and Econometrics, 2017, with Kyoungwon Seo

“Revisiting the Nested Fixed Point Algorithm in BLP Random Coefficients Demand Estimation,” Economics Letters, 2016, with Kyoungwon Seo

“Second-Price Auctions with Sequential and Costly Participation,” Economic Theory, 2016, with Jaeok Park

“Constrained Optimization Approaches to Estimation of Structural Models: Comment,” Econometrica, 2016, with Fedor Iskhakov, John Rust, Bertel Schjerning and Kyoungwon Seo.

“A Computationally Fast Estimator for Random Coefficients Logit Demand Models Using Aggregate Data,” RAND Journal of Economics, 2015, with Kyoungwon Seo  (MATLAB CODE)

“Pricing of Complementary Goods as an Implicit Financial Arrangement,” Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, 2014, with Jaeok Park

Working Papers

Uncertainty and Cost Pass-Through: Evidence from Retail Fuel Market, with Youji Sung (submitted)


Gender-Blind or Gender-Biased? Gender Gap and Project Development Stage in Crowdfunding, with Seeun Jung