About Me

NOTE: this google site is obsolete and the information has not been up to date. 

I am a research director at Educational Testing Service and leading the Psychometric and Data Science Modeling group within the division of Research and Measurement Science.

Curiosity is the fundamental driving force of all my research. Based on empirical data, I am trying to understand the underlying mechanism of everything, from cosmos to humans. My current research centers on collaborative problem solving, game-based assessment, educational data mining, learning analytics, AI, NLP, and automated scoring. I led several big research projects at ETS, including ETS collaborative science assessment prototype (ECSAP), ETS platform for collaborative assessment and learning (EPCAL), and ETS assessment data analytics solution (glassPy).

I got my PhD in Physics and MA in Statistics both from the University of Michigan. Prior to joining in ETS, I was an astrophysicist endeavoring to understanding how our Universe works at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab). I was working on two prominent astronomical projects that embraced big data since early 2000s, the  Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and the Dark Energy Survey project (DES). My research ranges from CCD camera development, image quality assurance, to the construction of catalogs of galaxy clusters and cosmological parameter estimation.

In addition to scientific research, I have done a fair amount of work to popularize science, mainly by translating some popular science book and articles, including Albert Einstein's masterpiece "meaning of relativity". These experience turn out to be a very helpful when I started adventures in NLP-based text mining and translation. 

Technical Expertise

Programming skills



Media Coverage


Editorial and Reviewer-ship
