
Contact Info:

Josune Hernantes, Ph.D.

Research and Lecturer at Industrial Management Department

Tecnun - University of Navarra

Tecnun - University of Navarra Phone: +34 943 21 98 77

P. Manuel Lardizabal, 13 Fax: +34 943 311 442

E-20.018, San Sebastián Email: jhernantes(at)tecnun.es


Short bio:

Josune Hernantes studied Computer Science at Basque Country University and she received her PhD with a distinction "cum laude" by the University of Navarra in 2008. She has 61 publications, 39 indexed in SCI whereby 15 of them are in the first and second quartile, another 6 in conferences indexed in SCI (cpci-s) and the rest in other indexes such as Scopus. Furthermore, she has published 11 book chapters whereby four of them are indexed in SCI. Several articles in highly relevant international conferences have been published. Josune is also reviewer of several prestigious journals in her research field and currently she has been the main editor of the special issue “Moving forward to Disaster Resilience” in the journal of “Technological Forecasting and Social Change” (indexed in the first decile in SCI). Regarding the research projects, she has taken part in several projects funded by the European Commission in the FP7, H2020, CIPS and SAF€RA research programs as well as in industrial projects. Emphasis is placed in the active participation of the candidate in three European projects with responsibility and leadership in several work-packages. Currently, she is the main researcher at Tecnun in URBANKLIMA project (https://urbanklima2050.eu/es/).This project has been funded by European LIFE Programme and led by IHOBE (Basque Agency for Environmental Sustainability). She is also the main researcher in two projects funded by the Basque government. Finally, she has contributed in the preparation and development of several European proposals. She is also co-creator of a software with property rights.

Currently, she is the director of a postgraduate Program in Artificial Intelligence at Tecnun- University of Navarra.

Related to teaching, she has a broad experience in lecturing in undergraduate and master degree subjects such as Computer science, software engineering and computer security. She has obtained a favorable evaluation from the teaching quality evaluation process. She has participated in numerous courses oriented towards improving the teaching as well as others more related to acquiring knowledge in her field of expertise. She was also the secretary in the Industrial Management Department in Tecnun and she spent four months in Warwick (UK) to enhance their knowledge in simulation methodologies.
