Dr. Juan Carlos Burguillo-Rial

 .::. Professional Profile

Juan Carlos Burguillo-Rial is a telecommunication engineer (1995) and Ph.D. in telematics (2001), and nowadays he works as a Full Professor at the Group of Information Technologies in the Department of Telematic Engineering from the University of Vigo, and he is also a research staff member at the atlanTTic Research Center. He has taught several courses in bachelor, master and doctorate levels in the topics of computing architectures, software engineering, telematic services, supercomputing, cybersecurity and intelligent systems.

In 2010 he received the Medal of the Order of Merit, from the Ministry of the Interior, for support to the Spanish Security Forces in the fight against child crime on the Internet. I have directed and participated in several R&D projects in the areas of Telematics and Computing in national and international calls and published more than one hundred articles in international peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings. I serve as a regular reviewer for several international conferences and journals, including the Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Computers and Education, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, and the Journal of Network and Computer Applications, among others. I am currently an area editor of the journal Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory (SIMPAT).

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