Javad Nosratabadi, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor 

Department of Economics

Davis College of Business and Economics

Radford University

Radford, VA, 24142


Welcome to my website!

I am an Assistant Professor of Economics at Radford University. My research primarily revolves around studying the impact of trade and monetary policies on the labor market. Teaching economics is a passion of mine, and I have had the opportunity to instruct a diverse range of courses in both Microeconomics and Macroeconomics domains. From my perspective, teaching and research in economics go hand in hand.

In my classroom, my goal is to empower students to develop their own economic inquiries and address them through the lens of the models we explore. This approach fosters critical thinking and a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

   My research fields:

My academic background:

          Department of Economics 

          Florida International University, Miami, FL, USA 

     Thesis Title: Essays in Labor Economics and International Economics

         Department of Economics 

         Florida International University, Miami, FL, USA 

         Department of Economics and Social Sciences

         Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran

         Thesis Title: The Effect of a Small Loan Program on Unemployment in Iran

         Department of Engineering

         Azad University of Lahijan, Lahijan, Iran

         Thesis Title: Application of FPGA in Image Processing