
JAVA8ProgrammingLanguage is invented by wilmix jemin j at year 2014, 2016 in java ,DOTWEB3.0. and JAVA8.0 is a World No:3 Programming Language and it is focused on creating Mobile WebApplication , and it has Advanced Oops. It also supports obfuscation, Code Security, and it is Learnable .

It is used to Develop MobileApplication in a faster manner.



“JAVA8.0 is meant for obfuscation, Code Security, Learnable, Prototype software, Advanced , used in Mobile Webapplication , and it symbolizes

STAR symbol, used in applications with oakjava7 Frameworks".

JAVA8.0 is otherwise known as OAKJAVA8.

The Meaning of OAKJAVA8 or JAVA8.0 is OAK + Jemin Advanced Virtual Machine OAK gives the meaning Beginning and it is used only in mobiles..


JDollar(J$) invented in feb 2015 at

Googlecode is focused for MobileWebapplication

now such feature is updated at JAVA8(OAKJAVA8) programming

language. So Mobilewebapplication is first

invented by wilmix jemin j at JDollar(J$)

p.l at feb 2015.

Kindly see google code

for more details kindly see:


Note: Other Framework and other Technology is not permitted to use

Mobile Webapplication concept invented by wilmix jemin . eg) PHP,Python,

java spring module- Spring mobile,etc

a) Website for JAVA8.0 (OAKJAVA8) FAQS


For OAKJAVA8(JAVA8) 4WHFaqs kindly click here

b) URL for JAVA8.0(OAKJAVA8) Programming Tutorial


For OakJava8 Tutorial Kindly click here



For Java8 Samples kindly click here

d) URL For Downloading JAVA8.0 Programming Language PDF
