

Jasper Pentecostal Church is located in the town of Jasper within Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada.

The street address for the church is 822 Connaught Drive, which is at the corner of Pine Avenue and Connaught Drive on the west end of Jasper. Connaught is the main thoroughfare that passes through the town and joins at both ends with Highway 16 or the Yellowhead.  The highway connects with the city of Edmonton  to the east and with the city of Kamloops in British Columbia to the west. 


 Summer 2024 Ministry

Sunday mornings, 10:30 a.m.,  in our church, we offer an in-person worship and ministry service.  We sing several songs, some older, traditional hymns, and some newer, contemporary songs. During the service, Glenda Froland usually shares a children's story for all ages. Then, during the sermon, the children go to their own room to do craftwork.

Internet video services  still appear weekly. Following the Sunday morning service,  we publish a video recording of the service on YouTube and post links to the video on this website and on our church Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/JasperPenChurch .


We have four ways for you to support our church financially. 

(1) As ever, bring your tithes and offerings, cash or check, to our church, and deposit them in our offering box.

(2) Also, you may mail your tithe and offering checks to: Jasper Pentecostal Church, PO Box 397, Jasper, Alberta, T0E 1E0. 

(3) Or, you can give to our church electronically through our partner service, "Tithe.ly." Click the "Give" button below. Set up a Tithe.ly account. And give to our church by your preferred debit or credit card. Your electronic donation will be added to your other donations, and you will receive a taxation receipt for the total after the year-end.

(4) New! You can now give to our church by e-transfer. We welcome you to send your transfer donations to: jpctithes@gmail.com . Our Treasurer Cecile will receive your e-transfers, deposit them in our church account, and ensure that you are credited for your yearly tax deduction donations receipt.


Our church is an affliliated congregation of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada.  The PAOC is a fellowship of more than 1,100 churches across Canada that supports more than 260 global workers in 50 countries around the world.  To learn more about the PAOC and our beliefs and practices, please visit the site: http://www.paoc.org/ .

Ministry Videos

Pastor Mark and Joy Hendricks

Mark Hendricks has been the pastor of Jasper Pentecostal Church since 1997. He has been an ordained minister of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada since 1990. Pastor Mark and his wife Joy have been married since 1979, and they have two adult children named Rachel and Andrew.



June 5, 2016                                                                                   June 7, 2015

  June 1, 2014                                                                                  June 2, 2013



 The Jasper Pentecostal Church congregation consists of about forty people.  Our church family ranges in age from children to seniors.  We have some teenagers, some single and married young adults and some middle-aged married couples.  We enjoy worshiping together on Sunday mornings, fellow-shipping with monthly suppers throughout the winter and picnicking in June in the beautiful outdoors of Jasper National Park.