
Computer Science Educator

Clarkston High School

About Me

After a 10 year hiatus, I recently returned to the classroom for the 2022-23 school year, where I teach science and computer science.  Previously, I served as an instructional technology consultant for Wayne RESA, the intermediate school district that services Wayne County, Michigan.  Prior to that, I was an Associate Professor of Education and the Director of Accreditation for the College of Education at Madonna University in Livonia, Michigan.  Before that, I was an assistant professor at Grand Valley State University.  My first foray into teaching was from 1998 to 2012, when I was a high school biology and chemistry teacher at Clarkston High School in Clarkston, MI.  I completed my doctorate in 2012.  I also have a Master's in Futures Studies from the University of Houston, a degree that emphasizes foresight strategy, visioning, and scenario development.

Click here to view my CV  (Last updated - 10/24)