Jasone Cenoz

Multilingual education 

Bilingualism and education 

Minority languages 


Prof. Cenoz’s research focuses on the psycholinguistic, sociolinguistic and educational aspects of bilingualism and multilingualism. Her research interests include the effect of bilingualism on third language acquisition, bilingual and multilingual education, minority languages, the age factor, the linguistic landscape, pragmatic and phonetic competence and research methods in bilingualism and multilingualism.

Jasone Cenoz has been  President of Education of the Spanish Research Council and Chair of the Book Award Committee of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL). She was President of the International Association of Multilingualism (2014-2016) and she has been a member of the Executive Committee of AILA (International Association of Applied Linguistics) from 2002 to 2011 and has been a member of the executive of the International Association of Multilingualism (2003-2018). She has been the editor (in collaboration with Ulrike Jessner) of the International Journal of Multilingualism (Routledge) from 2004 to 2012.


Jasone Cenoz

 Full Professor

University of the Basque Country

 E-mail: jasone.cenoz@ehu.eus

                     VIDEO: Let's make the most of multilingualism



           BIDEO : Atera zuku guztia eleaniztasunari


Cenoz, J.& Gorter, D. (2023) (eds) The Minority Language as a Second Language. Routledge.

Cenoz, J. & Gorter, D. (2023) (eds) The Minority Language as a Second Language. Routledge.

Gorter, D. & Cenoz, J. (2023) A Panorama of Linguistic Landscape. Multilingual Matters


Cenoz, J & Gorter, D. (2021) Pedagogical Translanguaging. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. OPEN ACCESS 


Cenoz, J. (2023) Foreward. In S. Melo-Pfeifer & C. Oliveir (Eds) Assessment of plurilingual competence and plurilingual learners in educational settings.  Routledge. 

Gorter, D., & Cenoz, J. (2023). Linguistic landscape as a pedagogical tool for language teaching. In L. Eibensteiner, A. Kropp, J. Müller-Lancé & C. Schlaak (Eds.), Neue Wege des Französischunterrichts: Linguistic Landscaping und Mehrsprachigkeitsdidaktik im digitalen Zeitalter (pp.173-197). Narr Francke Attempto

Cenoz, J. & Gorter, D. (2023). Multilingualism at school and multilingual education. In Robert J Tierney, Fazal Rizvi and Kadriye Ercikan (eds)International Encyclopedia of Education  Elsevier. 

Cenoz, J. & Gorter, D. (2023) Multilingualism. In Li Wei, Zhu Hua and James Simpson (eds) Routledge Handbook of Applied Linguistics. Routledge

Cenoz, J. Plurilingual education in the Basque Autonomous Community. In J. Cots (ed) Profilingul Plurilingual Education. Universitat de Lleida.

Cenoz, J.; Cots, J.M. & Gonzalez-Davies, M. (2023) A framework for analysing plurilingual education. In J. Cots (ed) Profiling Plurilingual Education. Universitat de Lleida. 

Muguruza, B.; Cenoz, J & Gorter, D. (2023) Implementing translanguaging pedagogies in an English Medium Instruction course. International Journal of Multilingualism DOI: 10.1080/14790718.2020.1822848

Cenoz, J. & Gorter, D. (2022 ) Enhancing bilingual resources in third language acquisition: towards pedagogical translanguaging. Educational Linguistics 1(2) 338-357  https://doi.org/10.1515/eduling-2022-0009

Cenoz, J. (2022) Hacia una perspectiva holística en el aprendizaje del inglés en contextos educativos: el enfoque plurilingüe y “translanguaging”. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación 90(1): 191-203

Cenoz, J., & Gorter, D. (2022). Pedagogical translanguaging in content and language integrated learning.  Journal of Multilingual Theories and Practices, 3(1), 7-26. https://doi.org/10.1558/jmtp.21812

Cenoz, J. & Gorter, D. (2022) Pedagogical translanguaging and its application to language clases.RELC journal 53: 342-354 https://doi.org/10.1177/00336882221082751

Cenoz, J. Santos, A. & Gorter, D. (2022) Pedagogical translanguaging and teachers’   perceptions of anxiety.  International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism DOI: 10.1080/13670050.2021.2021387

Gorter, D. & Cenoz, J. (2022). Linguistic Landscapes. In B. Busse & I. H. Warnke (Eds.), Handbuch Sprache im urbanen Raum / Language in urban space. Berlin: De Gruyter 218-244. 

Gorter, D., Cenoz, J & Van der Worp, K. (2022). Global and local forces in the multilingual landscape: a study of a market, In R. Blackwood & U. Røyneland (Eds.) Spaces of Multilingualism, London: Routledge 188-211.

Cenoz, J.; Leonet, O, & Gorter, D. (2021). Developing cognate awareness through pedagogical translanguaging. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism DOI: 10.1080/13670050.2021.1961675 OPEN ACCESS

Villabona, N. & Cenoz , J. (2021) The integration of content and language in CLIL: a challenge for content-driven and language-driven teachers. Language, Culture and Curriculum DOI: 10.1080/07908318.2021.1910703

Gorter, D. & Cenoz, J. (2021)  Linguistic landscapes in educational contexts:  an afterword. In E. Krompak, V. Fernandez-Mallat & S. Meyer (Eds.)  Linguistic Landscape and Educational Spaces. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.

Cenoz, J. (2021) La enseñanza del español desde una perspective multilingüe. In M. Saracho-Arnáiz y Herminda Otero-Doval (eds) Internacionalización y enseñanza de español como LE/L2: plurilingüismo y comunicación intercultural.Oporto: Asele.  pp. 21-31

Izaguirre, E. & Cenoz, J. (2021) Immigrant students’ minority language learning: an analysis of language ideologies, Ethnography and Education, 16:2, 145-162. DOI: 10.1080/17457823.2020.1818598 OPEN ACCESS

Cenoz, J & Gorter, D. (2020) Teaching English through pedagogical translanguaging: Breaking away from monolingual ideologies. World Englishes  39 (2) 300-311. https://doi.org/10.1111/weng.12462  OPEN ACCESS

 Leonet, O. ; Cenoz, J. & Gorter, D. (2020) Developing morphological awareness across languages: translanguaging pedagogies in third language acquisition. Language Awareness 29:41-59. DOI: 10.1080/09658416.2019.1688338 OPEN ACCESS

Busse, V., Cenoz, J., Dalmann, N. & Rogge, F. (2020). Addressing linguistic diversity in the language classroom in a resource-orietend way: results from an intervention study. Language Learning 70:2 382–419 DOI:  https://doi.org/10.1111/lang.12382 OPEN ACCESS

Cenoz, J. & Gorter, D. (2019) Multilingualism, Translanguaging, and Minority Languages in SLA. The Modern Language Journal 103: 130-135. https://doi.org/10.1111/modl.12529 OPEN ACCESS

Cenoz, J. (2019) Translanguaging pedagogies and English as a lingua franca. Language Teaching 52:71-85 https://doi.org/10.1017/S0261444817000246 OPEN ACCESS

Santos, A.; Cenoz, J.  & Gorter, D. (2018) Attitudes and anxieties of business and education students towards English: some data from the Basque Country. Language, Culture and Curriculum  31: 94-110.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/07908318.2017.1350189 OPEN ACCESS

Leonet, O.; Cenoz, J. & Gorter, D. (2017) Challenging Minority Language Isolation: Translanguaging in a Trilingual School in the Basque Country. Journal of Language, Identity and Education 16: 216-227 DOI: 10.1080/15348458.2017.1328281   OPEN ACCESS 

Van der Worp, K.; Cenoz, J. & Gorter, D. (2017) From bilingualism to multilingualism in the workplace: the case of the Basque Autonomous Community.Language Policy  https://doi.org/10.1007/s10993-016-9412-4 OPEN ACCESS

Cenoz, J. & Gorter, D. (2017) Minority languages and sustainable multilingualism: threat or opportunity? Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 38: 901-912. https://doi.org/10.1080/01434632.2017.1284855 OPEN ACCESS

Arocena, E., Cenoz, J. & Gorter, D. (2015). Teachers’ beliefs in multilingual education in the Basque country and in Friesland, Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education 3:2, 169–193.DOI: https://doi.org/10.1075/jicb.3.2.01aro    OPEN ACCESS

Gorter, D. & Cenoz, J. (2016). Language education policy and multilingual assessment, Language & Education, 31, 231-248. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09500782.2016.1261892 OPEN ACCESS

Cenoz, J. (2015) 'Content-based instruction and content and language integrated learning: the same or different?' Language, Culture and Curriculum 28: 8-24. DOI: 10.1080/07908318.2014.1000922 OPEN ACCESS

Cenoz, J. & Gorter, D. (2015)(eds) Multilingual Education: Between

Language Learning and Translanguaging. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Gorter, D.; Zenotz, V. & Cenoz, J. (eds) (2014) Minority Languages and 

Multilingual Education. Berlin: Springer



Todeva, E. & Cenoz, J. (eds)(2009) The Multiple Realities of Multilingualism. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.


                Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics Award 2011


 Noticias de Gipuzkoa                                   El País                                                      Campusa


Other Books


Cenoz, J. ; Gorter, D. & May, S. (eds) (2017) Language awareness and multilingualism. Encyclopedia of Language and Education. Berlin/New York: Springer.

Cenoz, J., & Gorter, D. (Eds.) [2014, f.c.]. Multilingual education: between language learning and translanguaging. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Gorter, D., & Cenoz, J. (area editors) (2012). Bilingual and Multilingual Education. In C. Chapelle (chief editor) The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. DOI: 10.1002/9781405198431

Cenoz, J., & Gorter, D. (area editors) (2012). Bilingualism and Multilingualism. In C.Chapelle (chief editor) The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Hoboken, NJ:

Wiley. DOI: 10.1002/9781405198431 

Cenoz, J.  & Hornberger, N. (eds) (2007) Encyclopedia of Language and Education. Vol 6. Knowledge about Language. New York: Springer.

 Cenoz, J. and Lasagabaster, D. (eds.) (2006) “Hizkuntzat ikasten eta erablitzen", Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea.

Cenoz, J.; Hufeisen, B. & Jessner, U. (eds) (2003) “The Multilingual Lexicon”. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic.

Cenoz, J.;  Hufeisen, B. &  Jessner, U. (eds) (2001) “Cross-linguistic Influence in Third Language Acquisition Psycholinguistic Perspectives”. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters

Cenoz, J. & Jessner, U. (eds) (2000) "English in Europe: the Acquisition of a Third Language." Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.

 Cenoz, J. & Genesee, F. (eds) (2001) "Trends in Bilingual Development." Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Cenoz, J. & Genesee, F. (eds) (1998) "Beyond Bilingualism: Multilingualism and Multilingual Education" Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.


Special issues

 Cenoz, J., & Gorter, D. (eds) (2020) Pedagogical translanguaging: navigating between languages at school and at the university. System 92

Cenoz, J. & García, O. (2017) Breaking away from the multilingual solitudes in language education: international perspectives. Journal of Language, Identity and Education 16.

Cenoz, J (2017) New directions in multilingualism research. Adult Multilingualism: processes and practices International Journal of Multilingualism 14-1.

Ruiz de Zarobe, Y. & Cenoz, J. (eds)(2015) Content-based instruction and CLIL: Moving forward in the 21st century. Language, Culture and Curriculum 28

Cenoz, J., & Gorter, D. (eds) (2011) ‘A Holistic Approach in Multilingual Education: Introduction’ Special issue Toward a Multilingual Approach in the Study of Multilingualism in School Contexts, The Modern Language Journal, 95, 3, 339-343,  DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-4781.2011.01204.x

Cenoz, J. & Etxague, X. (2010) Inmigración y aprendizaje de lenguas en comunidades con dos lenguas oficiales. Segundas lenguas e Inmigración http://www.segundaslenguaseinmigracion.es/ 1-155.

Manchón, R. & Cenoz, J. (eds) (2008) Doing SLA research: Theoretical, methodological, and ethical issues. International Review of Applied Linguistics.

Cenoz, J. & Gorter, D. (2008) Multilingualism and minority languages. Aila Review 21. 

Cenoz, J. (ed) (2008) Teaching through Basque: achievements and challenges. Language, Culture and Curriculum 21/1

Cenoz, J. & Gorter, D. (eds) (2005) Trilingualism and minority languages in Europe The International Journal of the Sociology of Language 171.

Cenoz, J. & Lasagabaster, D. (eds) (2005) Euskararen Jabekuntza eskolan. (The acquisition of Basque at school) Bat Aldizkaria 56.

Cenoz, J. & Hoffmann, C. (eds) (2003) The Effect of Bilingualism on Third Language Acquisition. The International Journal of Bilingualism 7/1. 

Cenoz, J.; Hufeisen, B. & Jessner, U. (eds) (2001) Third Language Acquisition in the School Context. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. 4,1.


Articles and book chapters

Leonet, O.; Cenoz, J. & Gorter, D. (2017) Challenging Minority Language Isolation: Translanguaging in a Trilingual School in the Basque Country. Journal of Language, Identity and Education 16: 216-227  https://doi.org/10.1080/15348458.2017.1328281 OPEN ACCESS

Cenoz, J. (2017) Translanguaging in school context. International Perspectives: an introduction. Journal of Language, Identity and Education 16: 193-198. DOI: 10.1080/15348458.2017.1327816

Cenoz, J. & Gorter, D. (2017) Minority languages and sustainable multilingualism: threat or opportunity? Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 38: 901-912. https://doi.org/10.1080/01434632.2017.1284855 OPEN ACCESS

Santos, A., Cenoz, J. & Gorter, D. (2017) Communicative anxiety in the second and third language. International Journal of Multilingualism 14: 23-37 DOI:10.1080/14790718.2017.1258980

Cenoz, J. & Gorter, D. (2017) Translanguaging as a pedagogical tool in multilingual education. In Cenoz, J.; D. Gorter & S. May (eds) Language awareness and multilingualism. Encyclopedia of Language and Education. Berlin/New York: Springer. 309-321

Gorter, N. & Cenoz, J. (2017) Linguistic landscape and multilingualism. In Cenoz, J.; D. Gorter & S. May (eds) Language awareness and multilingualism. Encyclopedia of Language and Education. Berlin/New York: Springer. 233-245

Cenoz, J. (2017) Introduction: Future directions in adult multilingualism. International Journal of Multilingualism 14: 1-5. DOI: 10.1080/14790718.2017.1258976

Cenoz, J. (2017) Bilingualism and multilingualism In A. Barron; Steen, G. & Yueguo, G. (eds) Routledge Handbook of Pragmatics. London: Routledge 139-150

Cenoz, J. (2017) The target language, the sociolinguistic and the educational context in CLIL programs In A. Llinares & T. Morton (eds) Applied Linguistics Perspectives on CLIL . Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 247-257

Van der Worp, K.; Cenoz, J. & Gorter, D. (2017) From bilingualism to multilingualism in the workplace: the case of the Basque Autonomous Community. Language Policy  https://doi.org/10.1007/s10993-016-9412-4 OPEN ACCESS

Santos, A., Cenoz, J. & Gorter, D. (2017). Communicative anxiety in English as a third language, International Journal of Bilingualism and Bilingual Education, 20: 823-836. DOI: 10.1080/13670050.2015.1105780


Cenoz, J & Santos, A. (2017) Komunikazio-antsietatea euskara bigarren hizkuntza dutenengan. Fontes Lingua Vasconum 124: 369-387

Cenoz , J.& Arocena, E. (2018) Bilingüismo y multilingüismo. In J. Muñoz-Basols, E. Gironzetti & M. Lacorte, (eds) The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Language Teaching: Metodologías, contextos y recursos para la enseñanza del español L2. London: Routledge ISBN 9781138182905

Santos, A.; Cenoz, J. & Gorter, D. (2018) Attitudes and anxieties of business and education students towards English: some data from the Basque Country. Language, Culture and Curriculum 31: 94-110. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/07908318.2017.1350189 OPEN ACCESS

Van der Worp, K. Gorter, D., & Cenoz, J. (2018). Language policy in business and industry: between local and global developments, in: Chua Siew Kheng, C. (Ed.) Un(intended) Language Planning in a Globalising World: Multiple Levels of Players at Work. Berlin: De Gruyter. 


 Van der Worp, K. Gorter, D., & Cenoz, J. (2018). Multilingual professionals in internationally operating companies in the bilingual Basque Autonomous Community: tensions in their linguistic repertoire? Multilingua, Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication ISSN: 1613-3684; On-line 2018-04-24; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/multi-2017-0074 



Busse, V., Cenoz, J., Dalmann, N. & Rogge, F. (2020). Addressing linguistic diversity in the language classroom in a resource-orietend way: results from an intervention study. Language Learning 70:2 382–419 

DOI:  https://doi.org/10.1111/lang.12382  OPEN ACCESS

Cenoz, J. & Santos, A. (2020 online first). Implementing pedagogical translanguaging in trilingual schools. System 92. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2020.102273 OPEN ACCESS

Cenoz, J & Gorter, D. (2020 forthcoming) Pedagogical translanguaging: an introduction. System 92

Cenoz, J & Gorter, D. (2020) Teaching English through pedagogical translanguaging: Breaking away from monolingual ideologies. World Englishes 39 (2) 300-311. 

https://doi.org/10.1111/weng.12462  OPEN ACCESS

Cenoz. J. (2020). Third language acquisition. In C.A. Chapelle (Ed.) The Concise Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics 1089-1093.

Leonet, O. ; Cenoz, J. & Gorter, D. (2020) Developing morphological awareness across languages: translanguaging pedagogies in third language acquisition. Language Awareness 29:41-59.  DOI: 10.1080/09658416.2019.1688338  OPEN ACCESS

Gorter, D. & Cenoz, J. (2020) Theoretical development of linguistic landscape studies. Linguistic Landscape 6: 16-22 https://doi.org/10.1075/ll.00020.gor



Cenoz, J. & Van der Worp, K. (2019) Hacia un enfoque multilingüe en la política lingüistica: la educación y el mundo laboral. Cahiers internationaux de sociolinguistique 16: 165-184

Cenoz, J. & and Gorter, D. (2019) Minority languages, national state languages, and English in Europe: Multilingual education in the Basque Country and Friesland. Journal of Multilingual Education Research 9: 59-77. https://fordham.bepress.com/jmer/vol9/iss1/9

Busse, V., Cenoz, J., Dalmann, N. & Rogge, F. (2019). Englisch in der Grundschule. Wie das Fach auf Mehrsprachigkeit orientieren kann. Lernende Schule, 22 (86), 25-27. https://www.friedrich verlag.de/shop/mehrsprachigkeit-537086

Cenoz, J., Leonet, O. & Saragueta. (2019) Cruzando fronteras entre lenguas. Textos Didáctica de la Lengua y de la Literatura 84: 33-39

Cenoz, J. & Gorter, D. (2019) Multilingualism, Translanguaging, and Minority Languages in SLA. The Modern Language Journal 103: 130-135. https://doi.org/10.1111/modl.12529  OPEN ACCESS 

Cenoz, J. (2019) Translanguaging pedagogies and English as a lingua franca. Language Teaching  52: 71-85   https://doi.org/10.1017/S0261444817000246 OPEN ACCESS

Jessner, U. & Cenoz, J. (2019) Teaching English as a third languaguage. In   X. Gao (ed) Second Handbook of English Language Teaching. Berlin: Springer 155-172 

Cenoz, J. (2019) Let’s make the most of multilingualism: the achievements and challenges of translanguaging. AERA Bilingual Education Research Newsletter

Cenoz, J. & Gorter, D. (2019) Educational policy and multilingualism D. Singleton & L. Aronin (eds) Twelve lectures on Multilingualism. Bristol: Multilingual Matters. 101-132.

Gorter, D. & Cenoz, J. (2017). Language education policy and multilingual assessment. Language & Education 31:231-248 Open access http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09500782.2016.1261892 OPEN ACCESS


 Cenoz, J. & Bereziartua, G. (2016) Is Instant Messaging the same in every language? A Basque perspective. Reading and Writing 29: 6 1225-1243 doi:10.1007/s11145-016-9634-z

Van der Worp, K.; Cenoz, J. & Gorter, D. (2016) From bilingualism to multilingualism in the workplace: the case of the Basque Autonomous Community. Language Policy doi:10.1007/s10993-016-9412-4


Arocena, E., Cenoz, J. & Gorter, D. (2015). Teachers’ beliefs in multilingual education in the Basque country and in Friesland, Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education 3:2, 169–193. doi 10.1075/jicb.3.2.01aro OPEN ACCESS

Cenoz, J. & Gorter, D. (2015) Minority languages, state languages and English in European education, in W.E. Wright, S.Boun & O.Garcia (Eds.), Handbook of Bilingual and Multilingual Education. Chichester, UK: 473-483. 

Cenoz, J. (2015) Content-Based Instruction and Content and Language Integrated Learning: the same or different? Language, Culture and Curriculum 28: 8-24. DOI: 10.1080/07908318.2014.1000922 OPEN ACCESS

Ruiz de Zarobe, Y. & Cenoz, J. (2015) Way forward in the 21st century in content-based instruction: Moving towards integration. Language, Culture and Curriculum 28: 90-96 DOI: 10.1080/07908318.2014.1000927 

Cenoz, J. & Gorter, D. (2015). Introduction: Theory and Practice of Multilingual Education . In: Cenoz, J., & D. Gorter (Eds.) Multilingual education: navigating between language learning and translanguaging. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1-15 

Gorter, D. & Cenoz, J. (2015) Translanguaging and linguistic landscapes. Linguistic Landscape 1: 54-74. DOI: 10.1075/ll.1.1/2.04gor 

Cenoz, J. (2015) Discussion: Some reflections on Content-based education in Hong Kong as part of the paradigm shift. International Journal of Bilingualism and Bilingual Education. 18: 345-351. DOI: 10.1080/13670050.2014.988117 

Cenoz, J. & Ruiz de Zarobe, Y. (2015) Learning through a second or additional language: content Based Instruction and CLIL in the 21st century: an introduction. Language, Culture and Curriculum 28: 1-7 DOI: 10.1080/07908318.2014.1000921

Gorter, D., & Cenoz, J. (2015). Legal Rights of Linguistic Minorities in the European Union. In P.Tiersma & L. Solan (Eds.) Oxford Handbook On Language And Law (pp. 261-271), Oxford: Oxford University Press (updated paperback edition)


Aiestaran, J. ; Cenoz, J. & Gorter, D. (2014,) Students’ language use: reflections and proposals. Talking Pupils Vitoria-Gasteiz: Gobierno Vasco. 175-178. 

Gorter, D. & Cenoz, J. (2014) The linguistic landscapes inside multilingual schools, in: B. Spolsky, M. Tannenbaum, O. Inbar (Eds.) Challenges for Language Education and Policy: Making Space for People. New York: Routledge. 151-169 

Gorter, D., Zenotz, V., & Cenoz, J. (2014). Introduction: minority language education facing major local and global challenges. In: D. Gorter, V. Zenotz & J. Cenoz (Eds.) Minority languages and multilingual education: bridging the local and the global (pp. 1-12). Berlin: Springer. 

Gorter, D., Zenotz, V., Etxague, X., & Cenoz, J. (2014). Multilingualism and European minority languages: the case of Basque. In: D. Gorter, V. Zenotz & J. Cenoz (Eds.) Minority languages and multilingual education: bridging the local and the global (pp. 278-301). Berlin: Springer. 

Cenoz, J. & Gorter, D. (2014) Focus on multilingualism as an approach in educational contexts. In A. Creese & A. Blackledge (Eds.) Heteroglossia as Practice and Pedagogy. Berlin: Springer.239-254. 

Cenoz, J. Genesee, F. & Gorter, D. (2014) Critical Analysis of CLIL: taking stock and looking forward. Applied Linguistics 35: 243-262. DOI: 10.1093/applin/amt011


Cenoz, J. & Gorter, D. (2013) Towards a plurilingual approach in English language teaching: softening the boundaries between languages TESOL Quaterly 47: 591-599. DOI: 10.1002/tesq.121

Cenoz, J. (2013) Discussion: towards an educational perspective in CLIL language policy and pedagogical practice. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 16: 389-394. DOI:10.1080/13670050.2013.

Cenoz, J. (2013) Defining multilingualism. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics. 33: 3-18 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S026719051300007X (see article below)

Cenoz, J., Arocena, E., & Gorter, D (2013). Multilingual students and their writing skills in Basque, Spanish and English. In V. Mueller Gathercole (Ed.) Bilingual Assessment : Issues (pp. 186-205). Bristol: Multilingual Matters.

Cenoz, J. & Etxague, X. (2013) From bilingualism to multilingualism: Basque, Spanish and English in higher education. In Abello-Contesse, C.; Chandler, P.M.; López-Jiménez, M.D., Chacón-Beltrán, R. (Eds.) Bilingual and Multilingual Education in the 21st Century: Building on Experience. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.

Cenoz, J. & Gorter, D. (2013) Focus on multilingualism as an approach in educational contexts. In A. Creese & A. Blackledge (Eds.) Heteroglossia as Practice and Pedagogy. Berlin: Springer.

Cenoz, J. (2013) The influence of bilingualism on third language acquisition: Focus on multilingualism. Language Teaching 46: 71-86. DOI: 10.1017/S0261444811000218


Cenoz, J. (2012) ‘Multilingualism’ , in: J.Cenoz and D.Gorter (area eds.) “Bilingual and multilingual Education”, The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. DOI: 10.1002/9781405198431.wbeal0791

Cenoz, J. (2012) ‘Third language acquisition´ , in: M. Gullberg and J. Williams (area eds.) “Bilingual and multilingual Education”, The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. DOI: 10.1002/9781405198431.wbeal1214

Cenoz, J. (2012) ‘Bilingual and Multilingual Education’, in: J.Cenoz and D. Gorter (area eds.) “Bilingual and multilingual Education”, The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. DOI: 10.1002/9781405198431.wbeal0780

Cenoz, J. & Gorter, D. (2012) Language policy in education II: additional languages. In B. Spolsky (ed) The Cambridge Handbook of Language Policy. Cambridge University Press. 301-319. ISBN-13: 9780521195652.

Cenoz, J. (2012) Bilingual Educational Policy in Higher Education in the Basque Country. Language, Culture and Curriculum 25: 41-55. DOI:10.1080/07908318.2011.653057.

Cenoz, J. & Gorter, D. (2011). A Holistic Approach in Multilingual Education: Introduction. Modern Language Journal 95:339-343.DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-4781.2011.01204.x.

Gorter, D., & Cenoz, J. (2012). Legal Rights of Linguistic Minorities in the European Union. In P.Tiersma & L. Solan (Eds.) Oxford Handbook On Language And Law (pp. 261-271), Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Cenoz, J., & Gorter, D. (2012). Una perspectiva multilingüe en la enseñanza de lenguas. In Alcon, E. & Michavila, F. (Eds.) La Universidad multilingüe. (pp. 131-149), Madrid: Editorial Tecnos.

Gorter, D., Aiestaran, J., & Cenoz,J. (2012). The revitalization of Basque and the linguistic landscape of Donostia-San Sebastian. In D.Gorter, H.F.Marten & L. Van Mensel (Eds.) Minority Languages in the Linguistic Landscape, (pp. 148-163). Basingstroke: Palgrave-MacMillan. (see article below)

Gorter, D., & Cenoz, J. (2012). Regional minorities, education and language revitalization. In M. Martin-Jones, A. Blackledge & A. Creese (Eds.) Routledge Handbook of Multilingualism, (pp. 184-198), London: Routledge.


Cenoz, J. and D. Gorter (2011) Multilingualism. In: J. Simpson (ed. ) Routledge Handbook of Applied Linguistics, 401-412. London: Routledge.

Cenoz, J. and D. Gorter (2011) Focus on Multilingualism: a Study of Trilingual Writing. Modern Language Journal 95:356-369. (DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-4781.2011.01206.x)

Cenoz, J., & Gorter, D. (2011). The perception of the linguistic landscape by students in two multilingual contexts. Uporabno Jezikoslovje / Applied Linguistics Journal of the Slovenian Association of Applied Linguistics, 9-10, 264-279. (ISSN 1318-2838).

Gorter, D., & Cenoz, J. (2011). Multilingual education for European minority languages: innovative approaches in the Basque Country and Friesland, International Review of Education, 57, 5, 651-666. DOI: 10.1007/s11159-011-9248-2 OPEN ACCESS.

Gorter, D., & Cenoz, J. (2011). A Multilingual Approach: Conclusions and Future Perspectives, The Modern Language Journal, 95, 3, 442-445, DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-4781.2011.01203.x

Cenoz, J., & Gorter, D. (2011). Colloquium – Beyond bilingualism and SLA: Acquiring several languages in school contexts, American Association for Applied Linguistics Colloquia, 2010. Research in progress, Language Teaching, 44, 2, 1-4. DOI: 10.1017/S0261444810000534.


Cenoz, J. (2010) El inglés como lengua de instrucción en la universidad: nuevas tecnologías y multimodalidad. Ikastaria 17: 25-38.

Cenoz, J., Gorter, D., & Heugh, K. (2011). Linguistic diversity. In D.Reymen, S.Knotter (Eds.) Glossary on Diversity, (pp. 83-98), Sussex: Sussex Academic Press.

Cenoz, J. (2011) El plurilingüismo en el contexto escolar: diversidad lingüística, competencia plurilingüe y tipología. In C. Escobar & L.Nussbaum (eds) Aprendre en una altra llengua / Learning through another language / Aprender en otra lengua. 17-34. Barcelona: Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.

Cenoz, J. (2011, February 12). Multilingual everyday uses vs. monolingual school views. [Web log guest post at Cruz-Ferreira, M., Being Multilingual]. Retrieved from http://beingmultilingual.blogspot.com/2011/02/multilingual-everyday-uses-vs.html


Aiestaran, J. Cenoz, J. and Gorter, D. (2010) Multilingual cityscapes: perceptions and preferences of the inhabitants of Donostia-SanSebastián. In: E.Shohamy, E.Ben-Rafael, and M.Barni (eds.) Linguistic landscape in the city, Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 219-234.

Arocena Egaña, E. R.Douwes, M.Hanenburg, D.Gorter and J.Cenoz (2010) Frisian and Basque Multilingual Education: A Comparison of the Province of Fryslân and the Basque Autonomous Community. Ljouwert/Leeuwarden: Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning, (68 pp).

Cenoz, J. & Goikoetxea, N. (2010) Multilingual communicative competence at school: a holistic approach. In S. Ehrhart, C. Hélot & A.Le Nevez (eds) Plurilinguisme et Formation des Enseignants/Plurilingualism and Teacher Education. Frankfurt : Peter Lang, 59-79

Cenoz, J. & Gorter, D. (2010).The Diversity of Multilingualism in Education. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 205: 37-53.

Cenoz, J. (2010) Elebitasunatik eleaniztasunera Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatean: Eleaniztasun Plana. BAT Soziolinguistika 75: 39-47.

Cenoz, J. & Etxague, X. (2010) Third language learning and trilingual education in the Basque Country. Trilingual Primary Education in Europe 32-45. Ljouwert Fryske Akademy

Cenoz, J. (2010) The increasing role of English in Basque education. In A. De Houwer & A. Wilton (eds) English in Europe Today. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 15-30.

Etxague, X. Cenoz, J. & Uria, M. (2010) Inmigración, lenguas oficiales y educación en el País Vasco. Segunda lenguas e Inmigración http://www.segundaslenguaseinmigracion.es


Cenoz, J. & Jessner, U. (2009) The study of multilingualism in educational contexts. The Exploration of Multilingualism. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 119-135.

Gorter, D. & Cenoz, J. (2009). Multilingualism is all around us: studies of the linguistic landscape, Multilingual Living, (Winter 2009), 4, 1, 16-18.

Cenoz, J. and D.Gorter (2009) Language Economy and Linguistic Landscape, in E.Shohamy and D.Gorter (eds.) Linguistic Landscape: Expanding the scenery, New York/London: Routledge, 55-69.

Cenoz, J. y E. Todeva (2009). Multilingualism: emic and etic perspectives. In E. Todeva & J. Cenoz, eds., The Multiple Realities of Multilingualism. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 1-32.

Cenoz, J. y E. Todeva (2009). The well and the bucket: the emic an etic perspectives combined In E. Todeva & J. Cenoz, eds., The Multiple Realities of Multilingualism. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 265-292.

Cenoz, J. and Gorter, D. (2008) Hizkuntz paisaiaren ikerketa : http://www.euskara.euskadi.net/r59-bpeduki/eu/contenidos/informacion/artik22_1_cenoz_08_03/eu_cenoz/

artik22_1_cenoz_08_03.html El estudio del paisaje lingüistico, on-line on Hizkunea website www.euskara.euskadi.net/r59-bpeduki/es/contenidos/informacion/ artik22_1_cenoz_08_03/ es_cenoz/artik22_1_cenoz_08_03.html ;

Cenoz, J. (2009) Five contributions on diversity in books by Baker, Cummins, Hornberger, Hamers & Wei. in: S.Küchler and S.Wallman (eds.) Diversity Management in Practice: A Cross-Cultural & Multi-Disciplinary Annotated Bibliography Addressing Policy and Well-Being, Sussex: Sussex Academic Press.


Cenoz, J. & Gorter, D. (2008). Applied linguistics and the use of minority languages in education, AILA Review, 21, 5-14.

Cenoz, J. (ed) (2008) Teaching through Basque: achievements and challenges. Language, Culture and Curriculum 21.

Cenoz, J. and D. Gorter (eds) (2008). Multilingualism and minority languages: Achievements and challenges in education. Special issue of AILA Review, nr 21.

Cenoz, J. and D. Gorter (2008). Linguistic Landscape as an additional source of input in second language acquisition, IRAL, International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 46, 257-276.

Zalbide, M. & Cenoz, J. (2008) Bilingual education in the Basque Autonomous Community: achievements and challenges. Language, Culture and Curriculum 21: 5-20

Cenoz, J. (2008) Learning through the minority: an introduction to the use of Basque in education in the Basque Country. Language, Culture and Curriculum 21: 1-4.

Cenoz, J. (2008) Achievements and challenges in bilingual and multilingual education in the Basque Country. Aila Review 21: 13-30.

Onofri, L., Nunes, P., Cenoz, J. & Gorter, D. (2008). Language Diversity in Urban Landscapes: an econometric study, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei Working Papers. Working Paper 199. On-line at: www.bepress.com/feem/paper199 .

Cenoz, J. (2008) The acquisition of additional language. Estudios de Lingüística Inglesa Aplicada 8: 219-224.





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 Cenoz, J. & Valencia, J.F (1996) .Cross-Cultural Communication and Interlanguage Pragmatics: American vs. European Requests . Eric ED400703 (see article 4 below)

Cenoz, J. (1996) La competencia comunicativa: su origen ycomponents: In J.Cenoz & J, Valencia (eds) La Competencia Pragmática: Elementos Lingüísticos y psicosociales. Bilbao. Universidad del Páis Vasco. 95-114.

Cenoz, J. & García Lecumberri, M.L. (1999) The effect of training on the discrimination of English vowels. International Review of Applied Linguistics 37: 261-275.

Cenoz, J. & García Lecumberri, M.L. (1999) The acquisition of English pronunciation: learners’ views. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 9: 3-18.

Cenoz, J. & Perales, J. (2000) The Basque speech community. In M.T. Turell (ed) Multilingualism in Spain. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Cenoz, J. & Perales, J. (2000) Las variables contextuales y el efecto de la instrucción en la adquisición de segundaslenguas. In C, Muñoz (ed) Segundas Lenguas: Adquisición en el Aula. Barcelona: Ariel 109-125.

Cenoz, J.(2001) Three languages in contact: language attitudes in the Basque Country. In D. Lasagabaster & J.Sierra (eds) Language Awareness in the Foreign Language Classroom. Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco. 37-59

Cenoz, J. (2002) Age of learning and oral production in the third language. Interface: Journal of Applied Linguistics 16, 63-74

Cenoz, J (2002) Age differences in foreign language learning. ITLReview of Applied Linguistics 135-136, 125-142. 

Cenoz, J. ; Hufeisen, B. & Jessner, U. (2003) Why investigate the multilingual lexicon? In J. Cenoz; B. Hufeisen & U. Jessner (eds) The Multilingual Lexicon.(1-9). Dordrecht: Kluwer.

Cenoz, J. & Hoffmann, C.(2003) Acquiring a third language: what role does bilingualism play? The International Journal of Bilingualism 7, 1-5.

Cenoz, J. (2004) Teaching English as a third language: the effect of attitudes and motivation. In C. Hoffmann &  J. Ytsma (eds) Trilingualism in Family, School and Community (202-218). Clevedon: Multilingual  Matters.

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Jessner, U. & Cenoz, J. (2007) Teaching English as a third language: pedagogical challenges. In J. Cummins & C. Davison  (eds) The International Handbook on English Language Teaching. Berlin/New York: Springer.

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