Quantum Computation

CS 5984

Spring 2021

Instructor: Jamie Sikora

Email: sikora@vt.edu (Please include "CS 5984" in the subject)

Virtual office hours: Tuesdays 11am, Wednesdays 5pm (Zoom links will be emailed via canvas)

Online asynchronous lectures

Lectures will be posted below as they become available. There will be 2 lectures per week except for the two spring break days which fall on Tuesday and Thursday.

Recorded Lectures

Introduction to quantum computing

Why quantum computing?

Random bits and qubits

Multiple qubits

The no-cloning theorem

Superdense coding and teleportation

Quantum gates and circuits

Quantum algorithms

Deutsch's algorithm and the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm

Simon's algorithm

The quantum Fourier transform and its inverse

Phase estimation

Computational number theory

Shor's algorithm for order finding and factoring

A simple searching algorithm

Grover's search algorithm

Bonus topic:

Quantum computational complexity theory

Quantum information revisited

Density operators

General measurements

Distance and similarity measures

Quantum channels

Quantum cryptography

Impossibility of quantum bit commitment

Quantum key distribution

Possibility of quantum money

Nonlocal games

Nonlocal games

My favourite nonlocal games