
Two-Party Quantum Cryptography

Summer 2020

CryptoWorks21 is organized by the Institute for Quantum Computing at the University of Waterloo.

This year the course is online. Pre-recorded lectures can be found below.


This module serves as an introduction to two-party cryptographic tasks such as bit-commitment, coin-flipping, and oblivious transfer and discusses the security and limitations of their quantum protocols.

Supplemental materials

Last year's lecture notes, pdfs of the lectures slides, and lecture video files can be found here. (Note: See the erratum below for lecture 2.)

Pre-recorded lectures

Lecture 1: Introduction to two-party cryptography

Lecture 2: Bit-commitment

Note: This lecture is a bit longer since it contains some quantum-flavoured math and covers material needed for two assignment questions.

Erratum: On slide 69 (at 28:47 in the video below), the partial trace should be over the system A and not B.

Lecture 3: Coin-flipping

Lecture 4: Oblivious transfer

Page last updated on August 8, 2020