I am an associate professor in the Economics Department at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).
 Research interests: behavioral economics and behavioral finance.
Limited Strategic Thinking and the Cursed Match, 2024, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, with Olivier Bochet [WP version]
Efficiency of Dynamic Portfolio Choices: An Experiment, 2022, Review of Financial Studies, with Jean Paul Rabanal, Olga Rud and Yabin Wang [WP version]
Dynamic Runs and Circuit Breakers: An Experiment, 2020, Experimental Economics, with David Munro
Effects of Gain-Loss Frames on Advantageous Inequality Aversion, 2018, Journal of the Economic Science Association, with Kene Boun My, Nicolas Lampach and Mathieu Lefebvre
Evolutionary Games, Climate and the Generation of Diversity, 2017, PLOS ONE, with Dan Friedman, Dhanashree Paranjpe and Barry Sinervo
Time and State Dependence in an Ss Decision Experiment, 2016, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, with Aspen Gorry and Ryan Oprea
Testing for the Disposition Effect on Optimal Stopping Decisions, 2015, American Economic Review (P&P)
Government guarantees and dynamic debt runs, with Yabin Wang
On the Cognitive Foundations of Trade, with Ryan Oprea [in progress]
Stocks as Lotteries? An Experimental Test of Expected Utility vs Prospect Theory Models, with Brice Corgnet and Yao Thibaut Kpegli [in progress]
Security Design: an Experiment, with John Duffy, Jean Paul Rabanal, Olga Rud and Yabin Wang [in progress]