Ishwar's Homepage

About Me

I work as Senior Research Engineer in the Autonomous Vehicles Deep Learning Research team at NVidia Corp. I work on AI solutions for perception and planning that use Deep Learning, Vision tools.

In the past I have worked on environment reconstruction and ego-motion solving using 3D Lidars on Autonomous Vehicles. I have also worked on mapping infrastructure in the AV domain.

In my previous role as Hardware Architect at NVIDIA, I have worked on full chip hardware architecture, Streaming Multiprocessor Arch and also on Driver Development teams.

I have a masters degree from Unviersity of California Irvine, in Computer Science and Bacherlor's degree from Visvesvaraya Technological University Bangalore, in Information Science and Engineering.

My research interests include Deep Learning , Computer Vision, Image Processing and so on. My thesis in Masters involved Image Segmentation and Background separation for Neural Stem Cells for understanding the life cycle of the cells. My thesis advisors were M. Gopi, Brian Cummings and, Aditi Majumdar. You can see my thesis here.

In the past I have worked with Siemens PLM Software at Cypress, CA on NX : a CAD software. I worked on model data compression techniques and model update mechanism.

Skills and Expertise:

C/C++ would be my strongest suite, followed closely by Python and it various libraries (Numpy, Pytorch, TensorFlow, Pandas etc.)

I have Working knowledge of Java, MATLAB

I usually script in Perl, Bash, and even Windows Batch

Among database skill set, I can handle SQL and have good understanding of DBMS architecture, (implementation experience from Masters course: see GitHub).

I have dabbled in Compiler architecture with LLVM.

Recent online courses :

Contact me:

e mail : kulkarni <dot> ishwar at gmail <dot> com


<<I am interested in photography , I took the banner picture at the top of page>>