My email address is  isamu.iwanari.a2 "at"


Mathematical Institute,

Tohoku University

Postal code 980-8578

6-3 Aramakiaza Aoba, Sendai, Pref. Miyagi


Isamu Iwanari



On D-modules of categories I,    PDF  updated January 2022

On D-modules of categories II, PDF  updated February 2022

On D-modules of categories III, PDF 

updated December 2023

Moduli theory associated to Hochschild pairs, PDF 

Updated 2023 (major revision)

Bogomolov-Tian-Todorov theorem for Calabi-Yau categories, PDF

Differential calculus of Hochschild pairs for infinity-categories,  


Picture of the operad DCyl 

Period mapping for noncommutative algebras, PDF 

On the structure of Galois groups of mixed motives, PDF 

A note on etale realization with Galois action, PDF 

Motivic rational homotopy type, PDF 

Tannaka duality and stable infinity-categoriesPDF 

Bar construction and tannakization, PDF 

Tannakization in derived algebraic geometry, PDF 

Monoidal  infinity category of complexes from Tannakian viewpoint, PDF 

(with Hiroshi Fukuyama, Rakusei Highschool)

Note on local structures of Artin stacks, PDF 

Stable points on algebraic stacks, PDF 

Integral Chow rings of toric stacks, PDF 

The category of toric stacks, PDF 

Logarithmic geometry, minimal free resolutions and toric algebraic stacks, PDF 

Dominant rational maps in the category of log schemes, PDF 

(with Atsushi Moriwaki, Kyoto University)

Deformation theory of rigid-analytic spaces, PDF?

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