S. Alireza Golestaneh

isalirezag AT gmail DOT com

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About me

I am a Senior SWE at Google.

Formerly, I worked as a Machine Learning Researcher at  Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence (BCAI), Project Scientist and  Postdoctoral Fellow at The Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University with Prof. Kris Kitani. I also had a great opportunity to spend one year at Human Sensing Lab working on video object detection while I was working with Dr. Dong Huang and Prof. Fernando de la Torre.

I received my Ph.D.  in Electrical Engineering from  Arizona State University working with Prof. Lina Karam

Before starting my Ph.D., I received my M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering  from Oklahoma State University while working with Prof. Damon Chandler.

I also worked as an intern in Dolby Vision in Spring and Summer  2014 working under the supervision of Dr. Guan-Ming Su, at Dolby I also collaborated closely with Dr. Scott Daly.


Computer Vision, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence 

Selected Publications and Patents:

N Behrmann*, S. A Golestaneh*, Z Kolter, J Gall, M Noroozi | (ECCV 2022)

* denotes equal contribution.


S. A Golestaneh, S Dadsetan, K Kitani | Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)  | 2022

[GitHub][pdf] [Video]

A Umakantha, JD Semedo, S. A Golestaneh, WY Lin | (Tech Report) | 2021


A Umakantha, JD Semedo, S. A Golestaneh, WY Lin | (Patent

S. A Golestaneh, K Kitani | The British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) | 2020

[GitHub][pdf] [Video]

Z. Luo, S. A. Golestaneh, K. M. Kitani | 2020 (ACCV) | 2020

[GitHub][pdf] [Video]

S. A Golestaneh, K Kitani | (Tech Report) | 2020


Synthesized Texture Quality Assessment via Multi-scale Spatial and Statistical Texture Attributes of Image and Gradient Magnitude Coefficients

S. A Golestaneh, LJ Karam | CVPRW | 2018

[GitHub][pdf] [project page]

S. A Golestaneh, LJ Karam | CVPR | 2017

[GitHub][pdf] [project page]

SA Golestaneh, LJ Karam | IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP) | 2016

[GitHub][pdf] [project page]

SA Golestaneh, LJ Karam |  IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) | 2016

SA Golestaneh, LJ Karam |  IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) | 2015

SA Golestaneh, MM Subedar, LJ Karam | SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications |  2015

[pdf] project page]

S Golestaneh, GM Su, , GM Su | US Patent App. 14/801,633

S Daly, SA Golestaneh | Human Vision and Electronic Imaging | 2014

SA Golestaneh, DM Chandler | Journal of Electronic Imaging | 2014

[pdf] [project page and code]

SA Golestaneh, DM Chandler | IEEE signal processing letters | 2013

[pdf] [project page and code]

Honors and Awards:

Nominated and Finalist for two (Sun Devil Spirit Award  and Outstanding Graduate Student Leader) Pitchfork Awards 2017

Director of Wellness, Graduate and professional student association 2016-2017

Graduate Excellent Teaching Award, Arizona State University 2015-2016

University Graduate Fellowships, Arizona State University 2014-2015

Graduate Research Excellence Award, Oklahoma State University, 2014

Graduated in top 1% of my class, Oklahoma State University

Professional Activities:

Program Committee  (and Top Reviewer)  for Safe Learning for Autonomous Driving (SL4AD Workshop - ICML 2022)

Program Committee for Relational Reasoning in Computer Vision (ICCV 2021)

Carnegie Mellon University: MSCV Admission Committee (2020)


Assembly member of Graduate and professional student association (GPSA) 2015-2016

IEEE member 2010-Present