
Doctoral theses completed by INSTRUCT researchers

Note - those listed below were completed within the INSTRUCT group; our current researchers might have completed doctoral work elsewhere.

Helen Barsham (2021). Can Retrieval Practice of The Testing Effect Increase Self-efficacy in Tests and Reduce Test Anxiety in 10-to 11-Year-olds?

Gavin Turner (2020). Life-worthy learning skills: A curriculum intervention to promote self-regulated learning

Tanya Paes (2019). Self-regulation and language skills of 4- to 5-year-old children with English as an additional language before and after a guided play intervention as measured by teacher reports and cognitive batteries.

Maria Tsapali (2019). Effects of different learning environments on late primary school students’ Decision-making competence in socio-scientific Issues.

Raza Shah (2017). Pictorial triads and property inference decision-making: An experimental investigation into property inference decisions of undergraduate engineering students with a statistical analysis of inference decisions and decision switching.