
123.hp.cóm/sétup - HP Printer Driver Software

123.hp.cóm/sétup is the official web address provided by hp printers so you can Download Driver, Manual & Guides for your HP Printer.


Download and install hp printer driver from 123.hp.cóm/sétup and setup wireless printer with your device with the steps. Print with hp printer on your windows and mac devices.

What 123.hp.com/setup ?

HP Printers are the one-stop shop for all your printer needs. It is capable of connecting with different devices like computer/laptop, mac, smartphone, etc. For hp printer setup you need to visit 123.hp.cóm/sétup where you will get the latest and updated drivers for hp printer.

Installation of HP Printer Driver Software

  1. First Double-click on the hp.dmg file which is downloaded from 123.hp.cóm/sétup

  2. Next Downloads folder to install hp printer

  3. When the prompt comes to choose the printer connection type.

  4. Next click on USB.

  5. When you get the prompt for adding the HP printer to a queue, click on your printer name.

  6. Open the Print Using menu.

  7. Now select your HP printer.

  8. Click on the Add button.

  9. Go back to the HP Printer installer for completing the process.