Hiroaki Ino 猪野弘明
School of Economics, Kwansei Gakuin University
Articles *Industrial Organization, **Environmental Economics.
Hiroaki Ino and Toshihiro Matsumura. "Are fuel taxes redundant when an emission tax is introduced for life-cycle emissions?" Economics Letters, 241, 111842, 2024.**
Hiroaki Ino, Norimichi Matsueda, and Toshihiro Matsumura. "Market competition and strategic choices of electric power sources under fluctuating demand," Resource and Energy Economics, 68, 101280, 2022.**
Hiroaki Ino and Toshihiro Matsumura. "Free entry under an output-cap constraint," Economics Letters, 210, 110192, 2022.*
Hiroaki Ino and Toshihiro Matsumura. "Optimality of emission pricing policies based on emission intensity targets under imperfect competition," Energy Economics, 98, 105238, 2021.**
Hiroaki Ino and Toshihiro Matsumura. "Promoting green or restricting gray? An analysis of green portfolio standards," Economics Letters, 198, 109650, 2021.**
Hiroaki Ino and Akira Miyaoka. "Government-induced production commitment vs. import-tariff under endogenous entry of foreign firms," The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 29(7), pp.797-820, 2020.*
Hiroaki Ino and Toshihiro Matsumura. "The equivalence of emission tax with tax-revenue refund and emission intensity regulation," Economics Letters, 182, pp.126-128, 2019.**
Hiroaki Ino and Norimichi Matsueda. “The curse of low-valued recycling," Journal of Regulatory Economics, 55(3), pp.282-306, 2019.**
Hiroaki Ino and Toshihiro Matsumura. “Welfare-Improving Effect of a Small Number of Followers in a Stackelberg Model," The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, 16(1), pp.243-265, 2016.*
Hiroaki Ino and Toshihiro Matsumura. “How Many Firms Should be Leaders? Beneficial Concentration Revisited," International Economic Review, 53(4), pp.1323-1340, 2012.*
Hiroaki Ino. “Optimal environmental policy for waste disposal and recycling when firms are not compliant.” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 62(2), pp.290-308, 2011.**
Hiroaki Ino and Toshihiro Matsumura. “What role should public enterprises play in free-entry markets?” Journal of Economics 101(3), pp.213-230, 2010.*
Hiroaki Ino and Tomohiko Kawamori. “Oligopoly with a large number of competitors: Asymmetric limit result.” Economic Theory 39(2), pp.331-352, 2009.*
Hiroaki Ino. “Extended producer responsibility in oligopoly.” Economics Bulletin 17(6), pp. 1-9, 2007.**
Masahiro Okuno-Fujiwara (ed.), Hiroaki Ino, Tomoki Inoue, Susumu Cato, Tomohiko Kawamori, Tomohiko Yano, and Kazuo Yamaguchi, 2018, Exercises in Microeconomics 2nd Ed. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press (in Japanese). Link to Amazon Link to Website for this book
Masahiro Okuno-Fujiwara (ed.), Hiroaki Ino, Susumu Cato, Tomohiko Kawamori, Tomohiko Yano, and Kazuo Yamaguchi, 2008, Exercises in Microeconomics. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press (in Japanese). Link to Amazon Link to Website for this book
Masahiro Okuno-Fujiwara, Hiroaki Ino, Susumu Cato, Tomohiko Kawamori, Tomohiko Yano, and Kazuo Yamaguchi, 2008, Microeconomics. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press (in Japanese). Link to Amazon Link to Website for this book
Copyright © 1998-present, Hiroaki Ino.