The most concise way of describing what we do is this: we organize knowledge, people, and money for everyone's benefit. We'll get to that, but before we do, can we ask you a few questions?

What’s on your mind when thinking about money? Your college loans? Perhaps, your parent's loans? Not wanting to move home after graduation? Being able to get your own car and apartment? Credit card debt? Wanting to travel? Competition for jobs being harder than ever - and fear that you will graduate and not be employed? Alleviating pressure on any or all of these?

Here’s what we know. You are savvy, skeptical, and wiser about the world than when you entered college. You have lived independently, and at the same time (for most) living on your own with no financial support is a goal, but it induces a bit of apprehension.

Whatever your situation, we want to ask another question: what if there is a plausible way to make money that would alleviate some of the concerns and stress that you will inevitably face when college ends? Is it worth your time, right now, to see if it makes sense to you? To determine if it seems ethical and something you could see yourself doing?

We get it... and pose an option. We don't talk about numbers (yet) but the investment is nothing crazy and within most students' risk tolerance threshold. Actually, knowing what you are doing mitigates the risk... and that is our role: to teach how to build a very simple marketing system and attract people to evaluate something... like you are doing here.

Your market is any college campus worldwide, but it can be anyone who needs or wants money. Our system employs a few core tools and processes. Then, a strategy is tailored to you, based on what you "bring to the table". We then work together to pick tools and strategies to market your business (which is inviting people to evaluate what we do, then work with them to be competent). Again, we organize knowledge, people and money for everyone's benefit.

The objective here is to help you get your financial future on track. In this process, we help you build a community that is culture and values-driven that welcomes being "measured" for who and what we are. We are open to the point of being blunt and are not fond of toying or being coy. The bottom line is that if you need a way to make money, this is one way of doing so. It may or may not be a fit (for you) and we do not posture it as the be-all-and-end-all of ways to make money. It is simply an option for you to consider.

But here's what we can tell you. The path we offer is viable, credible, and real. Your "job" is to teach an elegantly simple process, point people to resources and help them get "their process" set up by using phone calls, video chat, and desktop sharing applications. Money is a by-product of helping people. This is not about the latest whiz-bang deal or opportunity. What drives this is the ethos of teaching and helping people.

It bears mentioning that the way we live our lives is at the foundation of everything we do. We want to work with decent, good people who want to improve their financial situation. We ask that you consider helping yourself by helping others. Build relationships now that establish a foundation that will serve your future. Anyone can do this, and who knows you might make your next best friend.

No matter your decision, we wish you the best in your quest for stable finances and a great life.

You are in complete control and must take the first step. There is much, much more information to evaluate.

Contact the person who led you here by responding to the email provided. You will get a response within 60 seconds and be provided with more detailed and personalized information about our business and your inviter.

Again, this site is used by most people in the Independent Grad community as the "tip" of their marketing funnel, therefore, you will find no contact info here. Please respond to the email provided to take the next step.