Welcome ... and about IMS

The Impington Music Society arranges concerts and recitals that are open to members and non-members.

We try to cover a range of different instruments and musical styles across the year, and aim to offer a platform to young musicians as well as to established professionals. 

Typically, we have 8 concerts, September to July.    See here for the 2024-2025  programme;  you will see that this year  we have an extra concert.  Programmes from recent previous years are here.

Our concerts usually take place on Friday evenings in the Brackenbury Room, Impington Village College, New Road, Impington, Cambridge CB24 9LX.  There is ample parking available, and the College is on the Citi 8 bus route from central Cambridge.   

The normal entrance to a concert is £10 (£5 for 18 year-olds and under) for visitors, who are very welcome.    Or get a season ticket for £45 and become a member of the Society!  As a member, you will not only have free access to all the scheduled concerts organised by the Society during the year,  but also to any 'bonus' concerts that we arrange.     

For more details, or if you have suggestions and ideas for future programmes, email impingtonmusicsoc@gmail.com  or simply come along and talk to us at the next concert!    

You can also stay in touch by subscribing to our mailing list.