Workshop SLI 2019

Language policies, recognition and cultural identity: the case of sign languages

Politiche linguistiche, riconoscimento ed identità culturale: il caso delle lingue dei segni

Organized by

Carlo Geraci Chiara Branchini & Anna Cardinaletti Sabina Fontana

Supported by

The Sign-Hub project (link to project website here)

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 693349.


pdf here

The whole workshop will be interpreted into Italian Sign Language and ASL/International Sign

09:00 AM Opening

09:05 PM Keynote presentation:

Sara Trovato, Notions of deafness and school legislation

Visioni della sordità e legislazione scolastica

10:05 AM Short break

10:10 AM Małgorzata Talipska, Piotr Mostowski & Paweł Rutkowski, Language recognition in the case of Polish Sign Language:

policies, accessibility, education.

(Abstract here)

10:35 AM Donata Chiricò, La lingua dei segni francese tra politiche educative e identità culturale

(Abstract here)

11:00 AM Coffee break

11:30 AM Michael W. Morgan, Unofficially Official, and yet a bit Superficial: Status of Sign Languages in the Lands of Buddha

(Abstract here)

11:55 AM Short break

12:05 PM Amir Zuccalà, OraLISmo. Politiche linguistiche e attori sociali nella campagna per il riconoscimento

della lingua dei segni in Italia

(Abstract here)

12:30 PM Theodorus Du Plessis & Wilmaré Terblanche, Wins and losses for the eleven South African languages after officialisation.

Is South African Sign Language a special case?

(Abstract here)

12:55 PM Short break

01:00 PM Tavola rotonda (in Italian, LIS & ASL/IS)