Commission on Geography of Governance

Publications 1987-2020

Carlos Nunes Silva (ed.) (2017). Governing Urban Africa.

London: Palgrave Macmillan, 373 pp. (ISBN 978-1-349-95108-6)

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Carlos Nunes Silva & Ján Buček (eds.) (2017). Local Government and Urban Governance in Europe.

Springer International Publishing, 265 p. (Hardcover ISBN 978-3-319-43978-5; eBook ISBN 978-3-319-43979-2)

View this title online at:

Quaestiones Geographicae. The Journal of Adam Mickiewicz University. Volume 35, Issue 2, June 2016 (Special Issue)

Full texts available at:

International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR), 2015 & 2016 -

International Conference "Local Government and Urban Governance: Citizen Responsive Innovations in Europe and in Africa" (IGU Commission Geography of Governance - Lisbon, 9-10 April 2015)

Tobias Vaerst, Theresa Steffens & Robert Lokaiczyk (2015).Concerns Management, E-Government and E-Participation: Experiences and Findings from Germany. International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR) 4(4): 36-49.

IJEPR website:

Carlo Francesco Capra (2016).The Smart City and its Citizens: Governance and Citizen Participation in Amsterdam Smart City. International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR) 5(1): 20-38.

IJEPR website:

Lukasz Damurski (2016). Recent Progress in Online Communication Tools for Urban Planning: A Comparative Study of Polish and German Municipalities. International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR) 5(1): 39-54.

IJEPR website:

Andrew Ryder & Ján Buček (eds.) (2015). Governance in Transition.

Springer Netherlands, 341 pages, (hardcover ISBN 978-94-007-5502-4; eBook ISBN 978-94-007-5503-1)

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Carlos Nunes Silva & Ján Buček (eds.) (2014). Fiscal Austerity and Innovation in Local Governance in Europe.

Ashgate. 235 pages (ISBN 978-1-4724-3243-8)

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Pushkar K Pradhan, Ján Buček and Eran Razin (eds.) (2013). Geography of Governance: Dynamics for Local Development. International Geographical Union Commission on Geography of Governance, 254p.,

ISBN: 978-9937-2-6508-9

See full text ->

Pushkar K. Pradhan, Doris Wastl-Walter & Steven Folmar (eds.) (2008). Public Policy and Local Development: Opportunities and Constraints, ISBN: 9789937202510, Format: Softcover, xiv+340 pages, 1st edition. Publisher: International Geographical Union Commission on Geography and Public Policy



Wastl-Walter, Doris, Lynn Staeheli & Lorraine Dowler (eds.)(2005). Rights to the City. IGU - Home of Geography Publication Series Volume III. Societa Geografica Italiana, Rome. 381 pages.

Bickl Martin - What if you’re too young to drive? Locational disadvantage in the automobile city

Bieri Sabin - IntenCity: Squatting and the Construction of ‚the Urban‘ in Swiss Cities

Blumer Daniel - Shifting power? Participation as a new means of city development.

Capron Guénola - L’accessibilité des "espaces publics modernes" dans les villes latino-américaines : une notion multi-dimensionnelle

Cristaldi Flavia- The settlement pattern of immigrants: from the metropolitan area to the inner city of Rome

Dikec Mustafa - (In)Justice and the Right to the City: The Case of French National Urban Policy

Dines Nicholas - Immigration, urban regeneration and contested space: the case of Piazza Garibaldi in Naples

Dowler Lorraine -The Masculinzation of New York City Post 9/11.

Elwood Sarah - Whose Neighborhood Is It? Revitalization Programs, Community Organizations, and the Local State

Gibson Kristina -11,000 vacant lots, why take our garden plots?' Community garden preservation strategies in New York's gentrified lower east side

Gilbert Liette and Catherine Phillips -Political Natures: Re-Appropriation of Home and Water Rights in Toronto

Grimm-Pretner Dagmar and Rode Philipp - Upgrading Densely Built-up City Quarters - Urban Renewal and Social Change

Huijbens Edward H.- The Analysis of the Multiple Co-Existing Timespace Trajectories in the Multipolis

Kent Phillip - "Sydney" - New Sex and Old Politics

Kofler Andrea - Performing, Gaming and Celebrating the Border. Local Forms of objecting political Realities in Border Cities.

Lake W. Robert and Newman Kathe - Differential citizenship in the shadow state

Leonardi Sandra, Morri Riccardo and Russo Riccardo - Margins of Rome. Conclusive Excursion of the conference "Rights to the city"

Li Wei and Dymski Gary - The Macrostructure of Financial Exclusion: Mainstream, Ethnic, and Fringe Banks in MoneySpace

Mattila Hanna - Aesthetic Justice and Collaborative Urban Planning

McCann Eugene J. - Urban Citizenship, Public Participation, and a Critical Geography of Architecture

Merrill Heather and Carter Donald - State, migrant agency, and the third sector in Turin, Italy

Michel Claudia - Street kids claiming rights: The making of public space in the train station

Mudu Pierpaolo - The transformations of Rome: an exploration of new trends in the social geography of the city

Pallamin Vera and Lima Zeuler - Rights to the city: São Paulo as a city of dissent

Purcell Mark - Globalization, urban enfranchisement, and the right to the city: Towards an urban politics of the inhabitant

Ustundag Ebru - Theorising Turkish Urban Studies with 'Rights to the City'

Valentine Gill and Skelton Tracey - The Right to be Heard: D/deaf Activism in the City

Van Deusen Richard - Urban Design and the Production of Public Space in Syracuse, NY

Wridt Pamela J. - Play’in and Hang’in Along the Border of Yorkville and East Harlem

Max Barlow & Doris Wastl-Walter (2004). New Challenges in Local and Regional Administration. Aldershot: Ashgate (ISBN-13: 978-0754617044 - ISBN-10: 0754617041)

Staeheli, Lynn A., Lorraine Dowler & Doris Wastl-Walter (eds.) (2002). "Social Transformation, Citizenship, and the Right to the City", GeoJournal, Volume 58, Numbers 2-3

Lynn A. Staeheli, Lorraine Dowler - Introduction

Eugene J. McCann - Space, citizenship, and the right to the city: A brief overview

Flavia Cristaldi - Multiethnic Rome: Toward residential segregation?

Mustafa Dikeç - Police, politics, and the right to the city

Mark Purcell - Excavating Lefebvre: The right to the city and its urban politics of the inhabitant

Robert W. Lake, Kathe Newman - Differential citizenship in the shadow state

Sarah Elwood - Neighborhood revitalization through `collaboration': Assessing the implications of neoliberal urban policy at the grassroots

Hanna Mattila - Aesthetic justice and urban planning: Who ought to have the right to design cities?

Kristine Miller - Condemning the public: Design and New York's new 42nd Street

R. Van Deusen Jr. - Public space design as class warfare: Urban design, the `right to the city' and the production of Clinton Square, Syracuse, NY

Lorraine Dowler - Women on the frontlines: Rethinking war narratives post 9/11

Heather Merrill, Donald Carter - Inside and outside Italian political culture: Immigrants and diasporic politics in Turin

Nicholas Dines - Urban renewal, immigration, and contested claims to public space: The case of Piazza Garibaldi in Naples

Pierpaolo Mudu - Repressive tolerance: The gay movement and the Vatican in Rome

Lynn A. Staeheli, Don Mitchell, Kristina Gibson - Conflicting rights to the city in New York's community gardens

Sabin Bieri - Contested places: Squatting and the construction of `the urban' in Swiss cities

Guénola Capron - Accessibility to `Modern public spaces' in Latin-American cities: a multi-dimensional idea.

Acta Universitatis Carolinae / Geographica XXXVII, 2, 2002.

Petr Dostál - Development and administration of capital cities and metropolitan areas: an introduction

Max Barlow - The economic dimension of metropolitan government: recent reform proposals in Toronto, Canada

Pieter Saey - Transactional systems, territoriality and the example of Brussels. Reflection on the notion of the economic base of metropolitan areas

Brian Smith - Accountability in metropolitan government: the case of Greater London

Ludek Sýkora - Global competition, sustainable development and civil society. Three major challenges for contemporary urban governance and their reflection in local development practices in Prague

Pavol Korec - The transformation of basic functions of Bratislava after 1989: trends and spatial consequences

Jan Bucek - The role of local self-government in local development during post-socialist period: the case study of Bratislava

Irina A. Malakha - Moscow. Economic changes and migration of population

Petr Dostál & Martin Hampl - Metropolitan areas in transformation of regional organisation in the Czech Republic

Jiri Blazek - System of Czech local government financing as a framework for local development: 12 years of trial and error approach

Jiri Vágner - Second housing at the edge of Prague metropolitan area. A SWOT analysis

Smith, Brian & Ján Bucek (guest eds.) (2000). New Structures of Local Governance. Theme issue of Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, Volume 18, Number 1

B. Smith and J. Bucek - New Structures of local governance

H. Wollman - Local government systems: from historic divergence towards convergence? Great Britain, France and Germany as comparative cases on point

B. Smith - The concept of an enabling local authority

J. Bucek - Sublocal decentralisation: the case of big Slovak cities

E. Razin - The impact of local government organization on development and disparities: a comparative perspective

Barlow, Max, Lengyel, Imre & Richard Welch (eds.) (1998). Local Development and Public Administration in Transition. Jozef Attila University. Szeged, Hungary, 226 pages (ISBN 963 482331 9).

Gyorgy Enyedi - Local governments in transition in Central Europe

Richard Welch - Changes in the structure of public administration in the neo-liberal environment

Joanna Regulska - The rise and fall of public administration reform in Poland: why bureaucracy does not want to be reformed!

Ilona Palne Kovacs - Dilemma of territorial organization of public administration and control of regional policy in Hungary

Zoltan Hajdu - The role of public administration in shaping functional inter-settlement relationships and small regional cooperation in southern Trans-Danubia

Antal Nikodemus and Eva Ruttkay - Options for a short-term regional policy during transition to market economy in Hungary

Viera Vlckova and Stanley Brunn - Changes in the buying habits of the Slovak population due to small privatization

Laszlo Simig - Characteristics of privatization in Hungary

Vladimir Slavik - National minorities and the transformation of public administration in Slovakia

Edwin Bakker - Local self-government and ethnic minorities: local political power of Slovakia's Hungarian minority

Irina Malakha and Igor Ushkalov - Local development and migration in Russia

Max Barlow - Metropolitan government in capital cities

Rezso Meszaros - Geographical and historical implications of the development of a Hungarian city

Eva Perger - Influence of local administrative reform on the development of the Budapest region

Judit Timar - Recent changes and governmental problems in uban-rural fringes in the Great Hungarian Plain

Mihaly Lados - Taxatin attitudes of local governments in Hungary

Imre Lengyel - Features of dwelling construction in Hungary

Jan Bucek - International cooperation of Slovak cities

Gyorgy Kovacs - Changes in revenues and expenditures of Bekescsaba

Tamas Bauko, Imre Gurzo and Janos Marton- Specialized private farms and settlement development in Bekes County

Parallel sessions - IGU Regional Conference, 1998 - Lisbon, Portugal: Commission "Geography and Public Administration" and Commission "World Political Map"

A selection of papers presented in these sessions was published in:

- Norois - Revue Géographique de l’Ouest et des Pays de l’ Atlantique Nord

-Environment & Planning, C, Government and Policy

Carlos Nunes Silva (1998). Conference Report (Finisterra, XXXIII, 66, 1998: 137-140)

Parallel sessions - IGU Regional Conference, 1998 - Lisbon, Portugal: Commission "Geography and Public Administration" and Commission "World Political Map"

Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, Volume 15 (4), 1997 - Special issue - Edited by Wisla Surazska

6 papers selected from the 1996 Conference in Wroclaw, Poland ("The formation of Meso-Level Government in East-Central Europe")

Max Barlow; Petr Dostal and Martin Hampl (eds.) (1994). Development and Administration of Prague. Amsterdam: Department of Human Geographt (ISBN 90-6993-086-2)

The book contains 10 chapters

Max Barlow; Petr Dostal and Martin Hampl (eds.) (1994). Territory, Society and Administration: The Czech Republic and the Industrial Region of Liberec. Amsterdam: Department of Human Geographt (ISBN 90-6993-087-0)

The book contains 16 chapters.

Robert Bennett (ed.) (1994) Local Government and Market Decentralization : Experiences in Industrialised, developing, and former Eastern bloc countries. Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 506pp. (ISBN 9280808346)

The book contains 28 chapters.

Bulletin de la Société Languedocienne de Géographie, 1993, Vol. 26 (3-4) - Special issue edited by Marie-Claude Maurel

"Changements administratifs et territoriaux dans la nouvelle Europe"

Contains 21 papers drawn from the Commission Conference held at the University Paul Valery, in Montpellier, in November 1993.

Robert Bennett (ed.) (1993). Local Government in the New Europe. London: Belhaven Press, 309pp. (ISBN 9781852932879)

Petr Dostál, M. Illner, J, Kara and Max Barlow (eds.) (1992) Changing Territorial Administration in Czechoslovakia: International Viewpoints. Amsterdam: Instituut voor Sociale Geografie, University of Amsterdam.

Maria Ciechocińska (Ed.) (1991) Restructuring and spatial strategy. Papers prepared for the International Workshop. Warsaw-Radziejowice, Poland, 21-23 May 1987( Contents of Warsaw conference papers 12, edited by Maria Ciechocińska - online:

Maria Ciechocińska, International Workshop on "Planning for economic growth and economic regeneration: the role of national spatial strategy". pp. 7-12.

Robert J. Bennett, Economic restructuring, urban administration and state resources allocation. pp. 13-33.

Maria Ciechocińska, Jacek Szlachta, Restructuring of the economy vs Poland's spatial development. pp. 34-54.

Koloman Ivanièka, Spatial strategies and restructuring of the socio-economic system in Czechoslovakia. pp. 55-60.

Robert I. Shnipper, Regional development strategy in the USSR. pp. 61-70.

Alicja Szajnowska-Wysocka, The Upper Silesian agglomeration as a problem area. pp. 71-80.

David A. Pinder, An internal approach to the administration of indigenous development strategies for problem regions. pp. 81-100.

John Sellgren, The role of local government in economic restructuring in Great Britain. pp. 101-131.

John M. Hall, Central government intervention in local economic regeneration: the case of the London Docklands. pp. 132-151.

Marek Dutkowski, The Isle of Granaries in Gdańsk: barriers to urban renewal. pp. 152-168.

Anna Trono, Regional restructuring and public strategies in Southern Italy. pp. 169-189.

Barbara Manikowska, Roman Matykowski, Tadeusz Stryjakiewicz, Locational tendencies, structure and functioning of foreign enterprises in Poland. pp. 190-203.

Robert Bennett (ed.) (1990) Decentralization, Local Governments and Markets: towards a post-welfare agenda. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 412pp. (ISBN 0198286872).

Robert Bennett (ed.) (1989). Territory and Administration in Europe. London: Pinter, 316 pp. (ISBN 0861879910)

"Territorial Administration and Economic Restructuring", Special Issue of 'Geographica Polonica', 1988/1989

15 papers selected from IGU-SGPA meetings.

Gerard Marcou (ed.) (1988). L’Amenagement du Territoire et les Pouvoiurs Locaux et Regionaux face aux Mutations Economiques (Regional Planning and Local Government confronted with Economic Change). Brussels: International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS) (ISBN 9290560401). Publication containing five chapters by IGU Commission members.

Special issue “Planning for Economic Growth and Economic Regeneration: The role of Material Spatial Strategy”, Geographica Polonica (1988).

Editorial: Maria Ciechocinska and R. J. Bennett

Theme issue “High technology and public policy”, Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 6 (1988).

Editorial: Chris J. Thompson

Proposal for IGU Commission - Geography and Public Administration (1987), 3 pp. , R. J. Bennett

This proposal grew from the success of the Study Group under the same title.

IGU Study Group - Geography and Public Administration Report on Activities 1984-1988, and proposal to become a Commission, 15 pp., R. J. Bennett

Theme issue “Regional Government and the case of Spain”, Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 5 (3) (1987). Editorial: R. J. Bennett

This issue contains ten papers from the Study Group Conference in Barcelona.

IGU Study Group (1987). Geography and Public Administration: Register of Members’ Research Interests.

The Commission defines specific publication targets for each of its meetings and conferences. A selection of papers presented in each of these meetings and conferences has been published in special issues of international peer-reviewed journals or in books. There is, in addition to the above list of publications, a variety of papers that have been individually published.