Ant Setup for Java Developers


ICU4J source layout was changed after 4.2. There are several ways to set up the ICU4J development environment.

Get the source code by following the Quick Start instruction. Go into the icu4j/ directory to see the build.xml file. You can run targets displayed by "ant -p".

Main targets:

all Build all primary targets

apireport Run API report generator tool

apireportOld Run API report generator tool (Pre Java 5 Style)

build-tools Build build-tool classes

charset Build charset classes

charset-tests Build charset tests

charsetCheck Run only the charset tests

check Run the standard ICU4J test suite

checkDeprecated Check consistency between javadoc @deprecated and @Deprecated annotation

checkTest Run only the specified tests of the specified test class or, if no arguments are given, the standard ICU4J test suite.

checktags Check API tags before release

cldrUtil Build Utilities for CLDR tooling

clean Clean up build outputs

collate Build collation classes

collate-tests Build core tests

collateCheck Run only the collation tests

core Build core classes

core-tests Build core tests

coreCheck Run only the core tests

coverageJaCoCo Run the ICU4J unit tests and generate code coverage report

currdata Build currency data classes

demos Build demo classes

docs Build API documents

docsStrict Build API documents with all doclint check enabled

draftAPIs Run API collector tool and generate draft API report

exhaustiveCheck Run the standard ICU4J test suite in exhaustive mode

findbugs Run FindBugs on all library sub projects.

gatherapi Run API database generator tool

gatherapiOld Run API database generator tool (Pre Java 5 style)

icu4jJar Build ICU4J all-in-one core jar

icu4jSrcJar Build icu4j-src.jar

icu4jtestsJar Build ICU4J all-in-one test jar

indicIMEJar Build indic IME 'icuindicime.jar' jar file

info Display the build environment information

init Initialize the environment for build and test. May require internet access.

jar Build ICU4J runtime library jar files

jarDemos Build ICU4J demo jar file

jdktzCheck Run the standard ICU4J test suite with JDK TimeZone

langdata Build language data classes

localespi Build Locale SPI classes

localespi-tests Build Locale SPI tests

localespiCheck Run the ICU4J Locale SPI test suite

main Build ICU4J runtime library classes

packaging-tests Build packaging tests

packagingCheck Run packaging tests

perf-tests Build performance test classes

regiondata Build region data classes

release Build all ICU4J release files for distribution

releaseBinaries Build ICU4J binary files for distribution

releaseCLDR Build release files for CLDR tooling

releaseDocs Build ICU4J API reference doc jar file for distribution

releaseSourceArchiveTgz Build ICU4J source release archive (.tgz)

releaseSourceArchiveZip Build ICU4J source release archive (.zip)

releaseSrcJars Build ICU4J src jar files for distribution

releaseVer Build all ICU4J release files for distribution with versioned file names

runTest Run the standard ICU4J test suite without calling any other build targets

samples Build sample classes

secure (Deprecated)Build ICU4J API and test classes for running the ICU4J test suite with Java security manager enabled

secureCheck Run the secure (applet-like) ICU4J test suite

test-framework Build test framework classes

tests Build ICU4J test classes

timeZoneCheck Run the complete test for TimeZoneRoundTripAll

tools Build tool classes

translit Build translit classes

translit-tests Build translit tests

translitCheck Run the ICU4J Translit test suite

translitIMEJar Build transliterator IME 'icutransime.jar' jar file

xliff Build xliff converter tool

Default target: main

The typical usage is - "ant check", which will build main ICU4J libraries and run the standard unit test suite.

For running ant you may need to set up some environment variables first. For example, on Windows:

set ANT_HOME=C:\ant\apache-ant-1.7.1

set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_07

set PATH=%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%ANT_HOME%\bin;%PATH%

Test arguments and running just one test or the tests of just one test class

You can pass arguments to the test system by using the 'testclass' and 'testnames' variables and the 'checkTest' target. For example:

The JUnit-generated test result reports are in out/junit-results/checkTest. Go into the 'html/' subdirectory and load 'index.html' into a browser.

Generating Test Code Coverage Report

#10513 added code coverage target "coverageJaCoCo" in the ICU4J ant build.xml. To run the target:

    1. Download JaCoCo library from EclEmma site.

    2. Extract library files to your local system - e.g. C:\jacoco-0.7.6

    3. Set environment variable JACOCO_DIR pointing to the directory where JaCoCo files are extracted - e.g. set JACOCO_DIR=C:\jacoco-0.7.6

    4. Set up ICU4J ant build environment.

    5. Run the ant target "coverageJaCoCo" in the top-level ICU4J build.xml

Following output report files will be generated in /out/jacoco directory.

    • report.csv

    • report.xml


Building ICU4J API Reference Document with JCite

Since ICU4J 49M2, JCite (Java Source Code Citation System) is integrated into ICU4J documentation build. To build the API documentation for public release, you must use JCite for embedding some coding examples in the API documentation. To set up the environment:

    1. Download JCite binary (you need 1.13.0+ for JDK 7 support) from

      • Note that JCite no longer is available for download from the official web site, which links to Google Code, which was closed down in 2016.

      • The Internet Archive has a copy of the last version of JCite found on Google Code before it was closed down:

    2. Extract JCite file to your local system - e.g. C:\jcite-1.13.0

    3. Set environment variable JCITE_DIR pointing to the directory where JCite files are extracted. - e.g. set JCITE_DIR=C:\jcite-1.13.0

    4. Set up ICU4J ant build environment.

    5. Run the ant target "docs" in the top-level ICU4J build.xml

    6. If the build (on Linux) fails because package com.sun.javadoc is not found then set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to <path>/java/jdk. The Javadoc package is in <path>/java/jdk/lib/tools.jar.

Note: The ant target "docs" checks if JCITE_DIR is defined or not. If not defined, it will build ICU4J API docs without JCite. In this case, JCite taglet "{@.jcite ....}" won't be resolved and the embedded tag is left unchanged in the output files.

Build and test ICU4J Eclipse Plugin

Building Eclipse ICU4J plugin

    1. Download and install the latest Eclipse release from (The latest stable milestone is desired, but the latest official release should be OK).

    2. cd to <icu4j root> directory, and make sure $ ant releaseVer runs clean.

    3. cd to <icu4j root>/eclipse-build directory.

    4. Copy to, edit the properties files

      • eclipse.home pointing to the directory where the latest Eclipse version is installed (the directory contains configuration, dropins, features, p2 and others)

      • java.rt - see the explanation in the properties file

    5. Run the default ant target - $ ant The output ICU4J plugin jar file is included in <icu4j root>/eclipse-build/out/projects/

Plugin integration test

    1. Backup Eclipse installation (if you want to keep it - just copy the entire Eclipse installation folder)

    2. Delete ICU4J plugin included in Eclipse installation - <eclipse>/plugins/ XX.YY.Z is the ICU version, and YYYYMMDD-HHMM is build date. For example,

    3. Copy the new ICU4J plugin jar file built by previous steps (e.g. to the same folder.

    4. Search a text "" in files under <eclipse>/features. The RCP feature has a dependency on the ICU plugin and its feature.xml (e.g. <eclipse>/features/org.eclipse.e4.rcp_1.6.2.v20171129-0543/feature.xml) contains the dependent plugin information. Replace just version attribute to match the version built by above steps. You can leave size attributes unchanged. The current ICU build script does not append hour/minute in plugin jar file, so the version format is XX.Y.Z.vYYYYMMDD.

    5. <plugin

    6. id=""

    7. download-size="11775"

    8. install-size="26242"

    9. version="58.2.0.v20170418-1837" -> "61.1.0.v20180502"

    10. unpack="false"/>

    11. Open <eclipse>/configuration/org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator/ in a text editor, and update the line including plugin information.


    13. ->,61.1.0.v20190502,plugins/,4,false

    14. Make sure Eclipse can successfully starts with no errors. If ICU4J plug-in is not successfully loaded, Eclipse IDE won't start.

ICU4J plugin test - Note: This is currently broken []

    1. Start the Eclipse (with new ICU4J plugin), and create a new workspace.

    2. Import existing Eclipse project from <icu4j root>/eclipse-build/out/projects/

    3. Run the project as JUnit Plug-in Test.

Building ICU4J Release Files

See Release Build